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1.初步了解化学反应速率、速率方程、碰撞理论、过渡状态理论和活化能概念;2.理解并会用浓度、温度、催化剂诸因素解释其对化学反应速率的影响;3.初步掌握阿仑尼乌斯公式的应用,会用其求算活化能及某温度下的反应速率;4.理解反应分子数和反应级数的概念,会进行基元反应有关的简单计算;5.初步掌握零级、一级和二级反应的特征。 4.1 化学反应的平均速率和 瞬 时速率 Average rate and instantaneous rate of chemical reaction 4.3 影响化学反应速率的因素 Influential factors on chemical reaction rate 4.2 反应速率理论简介 Brief introductory to reaction rate theory 4.4 化学反应机理及其研究方法 Chemical reaction mechanism and the study methods
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一、学习态度问题 二、工程化特点 1 基础课why?>专业课How? 3 知识与职业技能: learn→> study
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Preface The BIOTOL series of texts are designed to provide a self-study resource concerning the principles, practices and applications of biotechnology. This text is designed to explain how biotechnology may be applied to solve problems encountered in the production and use of organic chemicals in a wide
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l Chapter 1-Key terms Collection, summarization, analysis, and reporting of numerical findings Statistics-Two Usages A. The study of statistics B. Statistics as reported sample measures
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Unit Nime Text B Unit Nine Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Detailed Study Ill. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Eight Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related Information lll. Outline& Summary IV. Detailed Study V. Home Assignment
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To study Text a in detail( that is,. to get to know the uses of some key words and phrases and to know more about community
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Unit Four Text B Text B Table Manners and Customs Pre-reading Task Related Information Detailed Study Outline Summary Home Assignment
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Unit Five Text A Unit One Text B I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study Iv. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Four Text A Text A The First Four Minutes Pre-reading Task Related Information Detailed Study Outline Summary Home Assignment
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