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呼和浩特职业学院:《电力机车控制》课程教案讲义(打印版)第三章 电力机车的电气制动
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43. 1 Introduction 43.2 Amplifiers 43.3 Oscillators 43.4 Multipliers
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108.2 Physical Variables 108.3 Transducers 108.4 Instrument elements 108.5 Instrumentation System 108.6 Modeling Elements of an
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69 Broadcasting R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan, J.F. Lindsey I, D.F. Doelitzsch, J. Whitaker, M.S. Roden, S. Salek, A. H. Clegg Modulation and Demodulation. Radio. Television Systems. High-Definition Television. Digital Audio Broadcasting
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59 Conventional Power Generation G.G. Karady Fossil Power Plants. Nuclear Power Plants. Geothermal Power Plants. Hydroelectric Power Plants
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46 Electroacoustic Devices P. H. Rogers Transduction Mechanisms. Sensitivity and Source Level. Reciprocity Canonical Equations and Electroacoustic Coupling. Radiation Impedance.Directivity
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35 Electromagnetic Fields J.A. Kong Maxwell Equations. Constitutive Relations. Wave Equations and Wave Solutions
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1 试证:平行板电容器的位移电流可写成
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22 Semiconductors G.S. Gildenblat, B. Gelmont, M. Milkovic, A. Elshabini-Riad, F.W. Stephenson, I.A. Bhutta, D.C. Look Physical Properties. Diodes. Electrical Equivalent Circuit Models and Device Simulators for Semiconductor Devices Electrical Characterization of Semiconductors
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14 Digital Signal Processing W.K. Jenkins, A. D. Poularikas, B. W. Bomar, L.M. Smith, J.A. Cadzow Fourier Transforms er Transforms and the Fast Fourier Transform. Design and Imple of Digital Filters.Signal Restoration
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