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Raphan T, Matsuo V, Cohen B (1979). Velocity storage in the vestibulo-ocular reflex arc (VOR). Experimental Brain Research 35:229-248. Henn V, Cohen B, Young LR (1980). Visual-vestibular interaction in motion perception and the generation of nystagmus
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Director: Guru Dutt Production: Guru Dutt Films Pvt. Ltd.; colour, 35mm; CinemaScope (first Indian CinemaScope production); running time: 150 minutes. Producer: Guru Dutt; screenplay and dialogue: Abrar Alvi; pho￾tography: V. K. Murthy; editor: Y. G. Chauhan; art director: M. R. Achrekar; sound: S. V. Rama; music: S. D. Burman; songs: Kaifi Azmi; costumes: Bhanumati. Cast: Baby Naaz (Pammy); Venna (Bina); Mahesh Kaul (Father-in￾law); Waheeda Rehman (Shanti); Guru Dutt (Suresh Sinha); Johnny
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1理想气体状态方程 波义尔定律:当n和T一定时,气体的V与p成反比 V∝1/p
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1、了解 RIP 协议的基本原理 2、掌握 RIP V1 和 RIP V2 的配置方法
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一.基本觀念: (1)電基本上可分為 AC(交流)與 DC(直流)兩種 。 (a)AC(大陸為 50HZ)又有三相與單相之分: 三相:220V、380V
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例题 用板式塔实现如下分离任务 已知: 惰性气流量为V(kmol/h), 溶质初始含量 摩尔比Y1=0.1, 溶剂流量为 L (kmol/h), 新鲜 溶剂中溶质含量摩尔比X2=0(纯溶剂). 操作温 度和压力下的平衡关系为Y=0.5X. 假定V=L 要求: 尾气中溶质A含量Y20.01. 试求: (1)溶剂出口浓度X1
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由于晶格具有周期性,一些物理量具有周期性,如势能函数: ( ) ( ) 1 1 2 2 3a3 V x V x l a l a l K K G G G = + + + —— 如图 XCH_001_024 所示,A 和 A’两点势能相同。 —— 势能函数是以 1 2 3 a , a , a G G G 为周期的三维周期函数 引入倒格子,可以将三维周期性函数展开为傅里叶级数
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第1章C语言概述 本章主要介绍C语言程序的结构和书写规则,以及 Turbo V2.0的基本操作 1.1C语言的发展简史和特点 1.2语言程序的结构与书写规则 1.3C语言的语句和关键字 1.4 Turbo V22.0的基本操作
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. A particle moves with position given by r ti j = 3 ˆ + 4 ˆ v , where r v is measured in meters when t is measured in seconds. For each of the following, consider only t > 0. The magnitude of the angular momentum of this particle about the origin is ( B )
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