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2.1数学模型基础 2.2线性系统的微分方程 2.3线性系统的传递函数 2.4系统的结构图 2.5信号流图及梅逊公式
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4.1根轨迹方程 4.2根轨迹绘制的基本法则 4.3广义根轨迹
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6.1引言性 6.2常用校正装置及其特性 6.3串联校正 6.4反馈校正
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8.1离散系统的基本概念 8.2信号的来样与保持 8.3Z变换与Z反变换 8.4离散系统的数学模型 8.5稳定性与稳态误差 8.6离散系统的动态性能分析
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一、设计要求 二、变压器设计原理 三、稳压电路 1线性稳压原理 2开关稳压原理 四、保护电路 五、测试方法
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一、选择题(每小题1分,共计20分) BDBAC ACBBA DABCB AD BCD
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一、基本概念 1.地质构造的尺度;2.碎裂流动:3.压溶作用:4.断层效应;5.断层擦痕的倾伏与侧 伏;6.深成侵入岩体形成的底辟作用与气球膨胀作用;7.构造序列和构造组合;8.变质 核杂岩
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Preamble This note has been written for a b asic course in robust and optimal control at 9th term of the ystem Construction Line, Institute of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University. Originall the note was intended for a course consisting of six modules of four hours each. Currently
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Chapter 3 Nominal and Robust Performance This chapter presents approaches to formulate performance specifications for a control sy stem
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In this chapter, st ability and performance for multivariable systems with uncertainty will be considered. Consider a general multivariable system as depicted in Figure 5.1. All signals will in general be vectors, and G() and K(s) will be transfer matrices. d(s) is an output distur- bance signal and n() represents
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