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人类生存繁衍的历史可以说是人类社 会同大自然相互作用、共同发展和不断进 化的历史。 人类进入文明社会不断演替至今,大 体经历了采猎文明、农业文明、工业文明 和后工业文明这几个阶段
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The term landscape commonly refers to the appearance of land, including its shape, texture, and colors It also reflects the way in which these various components combine to create specific patterns and pictures that are distinctive to particular localities These inscape is not a purely visual
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Country parks: origin and function Country park planning and management Ecotourism: origin and definitions Ecotourism potentials in HK Constraints and limitations Introduction Ecotourism is an off-shoot of tourism Tourism is the temporary movement away from immediate home/communities and daily work environments for
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一、越南的社会主义改革和建设 二、古巴的改革、存在的问题对策 三、朝鲜的社会主义建设情况 四、老挝对社会主义的探索 五、几点思考
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Lecture 7 Tourism and Sustainable Development Tourism is the world's largest industry(WTTC et al., 1995). It employs approximately one in nine workers worldwide, comprising 6% of global gross national product (GNP) and, it has been seen as a panacea for solving many social problems and for driving economic growth
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Lecture 8 Sustainable Development& Ecologica Footprint What is \Ecological Footprint\? Ecological Footprint serves as an analytical tool of sustainability or ecological carrying capacity of an area Act as a global indicator for calculation of our pressure on the environment, which enables comparison of consumption pattern/ behavior between countries Definition
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一、当今世界社会主义的新变化和新特点 1.当今世界社会主义的新变化 (1)执政的共产党对什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义问题的认识有了很大进步,变得更加成熟了。 ①社会主义、共产主义在实现的时间上“由近变远”、“由短变长”了。 ②对社会主义发展阶段的认识更符合实际,“由高变低”、“由虚变实”了
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一、如何对待资本主义的发展 1、当代资本主义的新变化 ①生产力变革 A.经济保持了较长时期的相对稳定和加速发展的势头 B.产业结构和劳动力结构发生了巨大变化 C.经济危机出现新形态
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课程简介: 《农业植物病理学》是普通植物病理学的继续,是理论与实践相结合的一门应用学科, 目的是通过学习农作物中具有代表性而经济上较为重要的病害,来加强对植物病理学基 本原理的进一步认识,并掌握基本原理及流行规律在具体病害防治中的应用,安全有效 地控制病害的发生发展,避免农作物的损失。本课程要求了解农作物主要病害的发生、 分布、危害情况;掌握作物主要病害的症状特点、引起病害的病原,必需成熟掌握主要 病害的发生规律及防治
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