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1-1自动控制和自动控制系统 人工控制直流电动机转速示意图如下所示:
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3-1 系统时间响应的性能指标 3-2 一阶系统的动态性能分析 3-3 二阶系统的时域分析 3-4 高阶系统的时域分析 3-5 线性系统的稳定性分析
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8-1 非线性控制系统概述 8-2 非线性控制系统的特征 8-3 相平面法 8-4 描述函数法
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4-1 根轨迹法的基本概念 4-2 根轨迹绘制的基本法则 4-3 广义根轨迹
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1.自动控制是一门不断发展的、综合性的技术科学 2.自动控制研究的内容及各部分的关系中 3.在实际工程应用和科学研究中发展自动控制 4.航天控制的发展方向
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81-1 Introduction 1 Circuit models(模型) The voltage source Two active(有源) models The current source The resistor Three passive无源) models The inductor The capacitor
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A point at which two or more elements have common connection is called node(节点). Suppose that we start at one node in a network and move through a simple element to the node at the other..., if no node was encountered more than once, then the set of nodes and elements that we have passed hrough is defined as path(路径)
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Any given arm of the Y network is found by taking the product of the two adjacent arms of the network and dividing by the sum of the network arms
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The voltage division The current division
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