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Significance General condition comprehension Confirm history information Specific sign collection for the diagnosis of certain disease infers certain accessory examines Grossly preclude some certain disorders Contribute a relation between the physician and the patient
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Teaching Objectives: Students(Ss)will be able to: get acquainted with a new way of communication-showing deep caring to others. understand the favorable effect of deep caring and learn how to extend a helping hand to people in difficulties
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I. Greetings . Review Have a dictation IlI. Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: A young man with a gun suddenly attacked me when I walked out of my garage with some KFC in my hand. Not only my money and watch, but also the KFC chicken was
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I Greetings Il. Review: the key words and phrases of Unit Two II Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: In this story, a son describes how shamed he felt as a youth when he walked down the street with his crippled father. The son did not like how people stared at them. His father never let on that he saw any of this. He was very active and enjoyed life
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Review: Have a small quiz. Have a dictation of the words in Unit 2 consume moderate liable allowance typical fatigue advisable modify interfere succession imply obstacle density boost stem speculate maintenance academic II. Start the new lesson 1 Introduction The Hyde School sees itself as preparing children for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles which
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1. Have you or your friend ever been cheated by a manufacturer? Describe your experience to your partner. Reference: Yes. Last year I planned to buy a computer so I could surf the net. I want to find a cheap one that's attractive and eas sy to use. I found
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Intensive Study As His Name Is, So Is He! Para.1 For her first twenty-four years, she'd been known as Debbie-a name that didn't suit her good looks and elegant manner. \My name has always made me think I should be a cook, she complained. \I just don't feel like a Debbie.\
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《概率论与数理统计 B》 《高等数学 B1》 《高等数学 B2》 《工商管理专业导论》 《管理统计与 SPSS 应用》 《管理学 A》 《宏观经济学 C》 《基础会计学 B》 《经济法 A》 《市场营销学 A》 《微观经济学 B》 《线性代数》 2学科基础课平台选修课 《ERP 沙盘模拟》 《财务管理学 B》 《公共关系学》 《供应链与物流管理 A》 《管理沟通》 《管理信息系统》 《管理心理学 A》 《国际贸易实务 A》 《计量经济学 B》 《计算机办公自动化 (中高级应用)》 《计算机网络 B》 《经济写作》 《企业伦理学》 《系统工程学 B》 《数据挖掘与商务智能》 《信息检索与利用》 《博弈论与信息经济学》 《运筹学 B》 3专业课平台必修课 《管理英语 1》 《管理英语 2》 《绩效管理 A》 《技术经济学 A》 《工商管理专业毕业设计(论文)》 《工商管理专业毕业实习》 《工商管理专业认识实习》 《工商管理专业学年论文(论文)》 《工管专业认知社会调查》 《工商管理专业实习》 《人力资源开发与管理 A》 《生产运作管理》 人力资源开发与管理实习大纲 《战略管理 A》 《组织行为学》 4 专业课平台选修 《创新创业创意实训》实习大纲 《创业管理》 《电子商务 B》 《管理经济学》 《管理研究方法》 《广告学》 《广告学》实习 《跨国公司管理》 《跨文化管理》 《领导科学》 《品牌管理》 《商务礼仪》 《市场调查与分析》 《数据库原理与应用 A》 《组织理论与组织设计》 《现场管理》 《薪酬管理》 《质量管理》 478
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1) provide some clues to what makes a Nobel Prize Winner. 2) give guidance to learners to listen and talk about famous person. 3) provide students with new words and expressions 4) learn how to analyze word formation 5) ask learners to write in a chronological sequence
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1. first listen to and then talk about environmental problems 2. read about an interview of a group of exports on environmental problems 3. write about what we should do to protect our Earth 4. practice reading skills: word attack strategies 5. practice translating skills: extension 6. learn and practice sentence functions 7. learn how to write a letter of invitation to an symposium, forum or conference 8. visit Culture Salon about our environment
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