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浙江大学医学院附属第一医院:骨髓增生异常综合征诊治进展(PPT讲稿)Myelodysplastic syndrome,MDS(血液科:佟红艳)
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• To be familiar with the type of capillary. • To be familiar with the type of artery and vein. • To distinguish with all the types of blood vessels
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• 脊髓对姿势和运动的调节 - 脊髓的运动单元 - 姿势反射 - 牵张反射 • 高级中枢对姿势和运动的调节 - 脑干 - 基底神经节 - 小脑 - 大脑
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• 耳(ear) –外耳(external ear) –中耳 (middle ear) –内耳(inner ear) • 前庭 (vestibule) • 半规管 (semi-circular canals) • 耳蜗(cochlea)
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Part I. Genetics of the Hemoglobinopathies血红蛋白病 Part II. Newborn Screening for the Hemoglobinopathies
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•Nervous Regulation •Humoral Regulation •Autoregulation
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浙江大学医学院:心电生理学(PPT讲稿)Cardiac Electrophysiology
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浙江大学医学院:《基础医学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)课程简介 Introduction to the Course of Basic Medical Sciences
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浙江大学医学院:视器与位听器的组织结构(PPT讲稿)Sense organs
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