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A鸟枪法 B CDNA法 CPCR法 D化学合成法 E基因文库的构建
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Contents How to use an open learning text Preface 1 An introduction to biotechnological innovations Industry G. Mijnbeek and C. K. Leach 2 Biocatalyst in organic chemical synthesis R O. Jenkins
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Preface The BIOTOL series of texts are designed to provide a self-study resource concerning the principles, practices and applications of biotechnology. This text is designed to explain how biotechnology may be applied to solve problems encountered in the production and use of organic chemicals in a wide
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9.1 Introduction 9.2 The structure, roles and abundance of sterols and steroids 9.3 Selective degradation of the sterol side chain 9.4 Specific steroid interconversions and reactions 9.5 Transformation of other terpenoids
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7.1 Introduction 7. 2 Origin and composition 7.3 Exopolysaccharide structure 7. 4 Medium composition for exopolysaccharide production
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Metabolic pathways and metabolic control mechanisms 5.3 The industrial production of citric acid 5.4 The production of other TCA cycle intermediates
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3. Introduction 3.2 Relationships between product formation and growth 3.3 Determination of maintenance energy requirement and maximum
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An introduction to biotechnological innovations in the chemical industry 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Production processes
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一、制药工程是应用生化反应或化学合成以及各种分离单元操作,实现药物工业化生产的工程技术。 二、制药工程包括生物制药、化学制药和中药制药
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对芸香科黄皮属植物生物碱的研究情况进行了综述。归纳介绍了该属植物生物碱的结构 类型提取分离、结构研究、化学合成方法以及生物活性
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