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《矩阵理论—知识点详解》第一章 线性代数基础(1.6)初等矩阵
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《矩阵理论—知识点详解》第四章 矩阵分解(4.3)Gerschgorin定理的推广
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n个列向量是一个标准正交基AA=1A=A-1 酉相似下的标准形 Schur定理:任一复数方阵均可酉相似于上三角矩阵
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可逆矩阵 一、逆矩阵的概念与性质 1.定义5.1设A是一个n阶方阵,若存在n阶方阵B 使 AB=BA=E 则称B为A的逆矩阵,并称A可逆
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1 Largest Eigenvalue Distributions In this section, the distributions of the largest eigenvalue of matrices in the β-ensembles are studied. His￾tograms are created first by simulation, then by solving the Painlev´e II nonlinear differential equation
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Unitary and Orthogonal Matrices Application 1: Givens rotation Application 2: Permutation matrix Discovery Journey References
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1 Introduction 2 Existence of an Inverse 3 Some Properties 4 Sherman-Morrison Formula 5 Inverse of a Partitioned Matrix 6 Discovery Journey 7 Comprehensive Problems
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Transpose and Conjugate Transpose Inner and Outer Products, Again Symmetric and Hermitian Matrices Exercises
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Hilbert Matrix Hilbert Matrix Circulant Matrix Toeplitz Matrix Hankel Matrix Vandermonde Matrix Summary & Questions Extensive reading
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