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Nonsystematic Research Intuition Status Quo Copying a Competitor Talk to Only a Few Assume Past will Continue into Future Why Are These a Problem?
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Types of Locations Isolated Store Unplanned Business District Planned Shopping Center
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Profit Planning Profit Loss (Income Statement) Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Gross Profit (Margin) Operating Expenses Net Profit Before Taxes
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Advantages of Merchandising Oriented Philosophy Smooth chain of command Expertise Responsibility and Authority Clear Buyer Involved with Display Reduced costs Buyer Closer to Consumers
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To Describe Major Aspects of Financial Merchandise Planning and Management To Explain the cost and retail methods of Accounting To Examine alternative methods of Inventory Control To Integrate Dollar and Unit Merchandising Control Concepts
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To Show Examine The concept of Retail Image To Describe How A Retail Store Image Is Related To Describe Ways of Encouraging Customers To Spend More Time Shopping To Consider Impact of Community Relations
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Planning Procedures and opportunity Analysis Overall Direction and goals Top-Down Plans Bottom-Up Plans Enactment Sales Opportunity Grid
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旅游业像雨伞一样覆盖五个方面的经营住宿、 餐饮、交通、零售商和目的地活动,主要涉及饭店企 业、旅行社企业、旅游交通等企业。她虽然较制造业、 包装业还年轻,但对世界经济起到了不可估量的作用, 这与其特征密不可分。 一、旅游企业的构成与特征 二、饭店企业 三、旅行社企业 四、旅游交通及其他娱乐设施
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一、销售渠道及设计 二、配置渠道成员 三、批发和零售 四、实体分配与物流支持
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对表中数据所进行的所有操作都在数据表视图 中进行。进入数据表视图的方法是:在数据库 设计视图的“表”对象选项卡上选中准备对其 数据进行操作的表对象,然后单击“打开”按 钮。 例如,在“零售商店管理信息系统”数据库设 计视图中,选定“库存数据记录”表对象,单 击“打开”按钮“”,即进入“库存数据记录” 表对象的数据表视图,如图3-1所示。图3-1中所 示数据可以作为需要添加到“库存数据记录” 表中数据的参考
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