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1.1 单片机简介 1.2 单片机的发展历史 1.3 单片机的特点 1.4 单片机的应用 1.5 单片机的发展趋势 1.6 MCS-51系列与AT89S5x系列单片机 1.6.1 MCS-51系列单片机 1.6.2 AT89S5x系列单片机简介 1.7 各种衍生品种的8051单片机 1.7.1 STC系列单片机 1.7.2 C8051F×××单片机 1.7.3 ADµC812单片机11 1.7.4 华邦W77系列、W78系列单片机 1.8 PIC系列单片机与AVR系列单片机 1.8.1 PIC系列单片机 1.8.2 AVR系列单片机 1.9 其他的嵌入式处理器简介 1.9.1 嵌入式DSP处理器 1.9.2 嵌入式微处理器
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Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and steelmaking slag have been used as a raw material for cement production or as an aggregate to make concrete, which contribute aluminum, calcium, iron, and silicon oxides.The suitability of the slag for a particular application depends on its reactivity, cost, availability, and its influence on the properties of the resulting concrete.For the interest of durability studying of concrete in the presence of slag, the accelerated carbonation products and leaching behavior of the slag and Portland cement (PC) were studied.The experimental results confirmed that the slag was more resistant to carbonation compared to PC.The carbonation degree of GGBFS reduced by 17.74%;and the carbonation degrees of steelmaking slags reduced by 9.51%-11.94%.Carbonation neutralized the alkaline nature of the hydrated pastes and gave rise to the redox potential of the leachate slightly (30-77mV).The carbonation also increased the release of most of the elements pr
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通过熔融快淬法制备具有非晶结构的Nd4.5Fe77B18.5合金,在氩气保护下660℃、10 min热处理获得了最佳磁性能的纳米双相复合永磁材料.由于材料具有双相复合纳米结构,磁体内部的微观磁化行为显示出复杂的交互作用.引入一阶回转曲线图谱法(FORC)研究材料的磁化机制和表征内部的交互作用.该材料的FORC图谱显示:纳米双相材料中存在明显的可逆磁化与不可逆磁化,同时两者相互耦合,耦合作用体现在图谱中的负值区域.不可逆磁化磁矩之间存在强烈的交互作用,体现在不可逆磁化峰的向下偏移和不对称性,整体表现出退磁特性,同时在δM曲线中得到证实
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西安石油大学理学院:《高等数学 Advanced Mathematics》课程参考书目(重点难点100讲)第77讲 多元函数微分法(3/3)
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目的:制作一张如图 77.1 所示的 CD 封面。 要点:各种空间的透视效果是非常重要的。 本例主要应用 Gradient Tool、Layer Mask 和录制 Action 来完成
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gn_8_1 点的应力状态 物体内任一点处各个方向面上应力的集合。(F 书 p.77 图 4-3) gn_8_2 应力圆 对平面一般应力状态,可在σ—τ坐标系中,以σα、τα为变量描述一点不同方向上应力分量之间的关系。该关系几何上是一圆,简称应力圆,也称莫尔圆。(F 书p.82 图 4-8)
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PROTACS: CHIMERIC MOLECULES TO TARGET PROTEINS FOR UBIQUITINATION AND (taken from KM Sakamoto, Mol. Genetics and Metabolism 77(2002)44-56) target targettargettarget target target target target target To circumvent the problem of transducing cells at
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一、单项选择题 1.800℃,Ca(s)+CO2(g)=CaCO3(s),K0=77P0,此时CO2得分压p(CO2)为
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77.1 Introduction to Telemetry 77.2 Measuring and Transmitting 77.3 Applications of Telemetry Power Sources. Power Plants 77.4 Limitations of Telemetry 77.5 Transmitters and Batteries 77.6 Receivers and Discriminators 77.7 Antennas and Total System
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