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• Java 工具包 Java.lang package • Object 、 Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types 、 Math、 String 、 System、Runtime 、 Thread 、 Class 、Exception 、 Process java.util package • GregorianCalendar 、data-structure classes 、 Random 、StringTokenizer 、Observable • Java 数组 • Java Applet
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高中数学重要公式 Math HighSchool
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• Intro to math model of quantum mechanics • Review of quantum algorithms • The power of quantum computers. • Quantum games
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1.Date类 2.Calendar类 3.Math类与Biglnteger类 4.LinkedList泛型类 5.HashSet泛型类 6.HashMap泛型类 7.TreeSet泛型类 8.TreeMap泛型类 9.Stack泛型类
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➢ Matlab Description • Where is Matlab • What is Matlab • Matlab Desktop • MATLAB Math Operators ➢ Matrix and Array • Creation, Operation, Concatenation ➢ Workspace Variables ➢ Calling Functions
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上海交通大学:《英语公众演讲》教学资源_changing math education
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01 Centrality 02 Friendship paradox 03 Math proof and Simulation 04 Analysis of Harvard experiment
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⚫ To create methods, invoke methods, and pass arguments to a method (§4.2-4.4). ⚫ To use method overloading and know ambiguous overloading (§4.5). ⚫ To determine the scope of local variables (§4.6). ⚫ To learn the concept of method abstraction (§4.7). ⚫ To know how to use the methods in the Math class (§4.8). ⚫ To design and implement methods using stepwise refinement (§4.10). ⚫ To write recursive methods (§4.11 Optional). ⚫ To group classes into packages (§4.12 Optional)
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