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College English 4 The Course Curricular Participants: Second-year Students Majoring Time: 2/2002-6/2002 (The Second Semester of the Academic Year 2001-2002) Teaching Material: College English (Revised edition published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) Major Task of This Semester Text Learning (4 units altogether) Integral Improvement of English Proficiency
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At least 90 percent of UFO sightings can be identified as conventional objects, although time-consuming investigations are often necessary for such identification. The objects most often mistaken for UFOs are bright planets and stars aircraft, birds, balloons kites aerial flares, peculiar clouds, meteors and satellites. The remaining sightings most likely can be attributed to other mistaken sightings or to inaccurate reporting hoaxes or delusions although to disprove all claims made about UFOs is impossible
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Teaching Objectives 1)understand the main idea(despite the many negative effects of virtual life the author prefers it to real life) and the structure of the text(contrast between virtual life and real life); -2)learn some rules of interpreting new vocabulary
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Uinta I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Do you see yourself as a leader or more of a team player? W: Well, it depends on the circumstances. I usually enjoy working as part of a team and helping everyone work together. But if the leadership is weak, I'm not afraid to take over in order to achieve the goal at hand Q: What does the woman want to be?
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Lead-in The news that a sheep in Scotland has been successfully cloned 1) got me wondering What good would it be to clone humans? What would I do with a clone of myself? Then 2) it hit me that I could have my clone go into work for me while went out hiking, biking, sking,etc.! really could be in two places at once
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The stories of this unit demonstrate how things are not al ways as easy as they look; the grass is not lways greener on the other side. After learning it, Ss should be able to have a better learning of the hardships and problems of studying and living in a new country appreciate the text structure( paragraph structure as a general statement supported by some master the usage of the key words and expressions
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This unit is intended to explore other ways of good communication (nonverbal communication) in addition to words, feelings and senses. After learning it, Ss are expected to have better understanding about how master as well as to pressent good communication signs in an Engllish culture, such as apperance, eye contact, gestures, movements, etc
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限定词( DETERMINER)是在名词词组中对名 词中心词起特指( SPECIFIC REFERENCE 类指( GENERIC REFERENCE〕以及表示确定 数量( DEFINITE QUANTITY)和非确定数量( INDEFⅠ NITE QUANTITY)等限定作用的词类 名词词组除有词汇意义外,还有其所指意义 ( REFERENTIAL MEANING),是特指(即指 特写的对象〕,还是类指(即泛指一类人或物 是有确定的数量,还是没有确定的数量。 能在名词词组中表示这种所指意义的词类就是 限定词
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I. Auscultatory Valve Area 1. MV: apex, fifth left intercostal space, medial to the midclavicular line 2. PV: second left intercostal space 3. AV: second right intercostal space 4. AV,: left third intercostal space 5. TV: lower part of sternal ·6. Other part
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1《护理解剖学》 2《中国古代文学史》 3《环境管理体系认证》 4《田径》 5《会计学》 6《大学英语》 7《人机工程学》 8《信号与系统》 9《当代教育学》 10《材料力学 B》 11《口腔组织病理学》 12《外科学》 13《无机化学 B》 14《建筑设备自动化》
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