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居住区是城市中集中布置建筑、公共建筑、公共绿地、生活性道路等居住设施,为城 市居民提供居住、社会活动的场所。生活居住区用地占城市用地50-60%,其绿化面积占居 住用地30-60%,一般占城市用地35%左右,是城市有机组成和基础,是城市空间的延续, 直接影响城市生态环境和居民生活质量
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基础资料的收集 社会经济资料;人口资料;生产 和经济情况;荒漠化防治事业资料; 土壤调查资料;水文地质调查资料; 气象资料;植被资料;基础图件及航 片、卫片及地形图纸资料
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所谓偶发事件,是指在班级日常学习、生活中发生的事先没 有估计到的,出人意外的一些事件。(这不派除偶发事件的必然 因素),并不是所有的偶然事件都是偶然的,意料之外的。 即使是优秀的班级也难避免偶发事件的发生
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Brief Introduction a. England b. Scotland c. reland d. Weather e. The Union Jack(flag)
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LECTURE 28 The mAKINGOF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION Procedures: .Show the slides/pictures of the Statue of Liberty the poem by Emma Lazarus, and the figures about the Statue-to illustrate the deep-rooted meaning of freedom and democracy in the country;
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Approaching the Maple Leaf Land 1. A bird's-eye View of Canada A. figures and facts B. Geography and economy C. Natural Wonders D. Traveling by Express from the East to the West
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Warm-up Exercises and Preview Questions: 1. What is the symbol of the United States of America? What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? 2. Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is imprisoned lightning
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Assignments for Session One 1. Choose one topic from below and write an essay of about 500 words. (1) What suggestions would you give to the Australian government to help them solve the problem of the aboriginals? (2) If you were to join the Ausflag
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1、试述改革开放以来,我国经济增长的三大周期性阶段的特征。 2、我国改革开放以来,经济发展中最重要的变化是什么? 3、试述市场经济国家的宏观经济调控目标。 4、试分析以扩大内需为基点的宏观经济调控方式
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一、革命前英国的经济状况和社会结构 二、革命的开始和两次内战 三、从共和国到护国政治 四、司徒亚特王朝复辟和1688年政变
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