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Section A Make Euro Disney More European Section B Not to Expect Profits Soon from Euro Disney Section C A Leisure Boon in Japan
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Unit One College-A New Experience Lead-in Vocabulary Outline Text Study Summary
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Section A The Temptation of a Respectavle Woman Section B The Obligations and Responsibilitise to marriage Section C The Positive Meanings of Love
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Section A The Bermuda Triangle phenomenon Section B The Ride of My Life Section C Easy Ride in a Taxi
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Section A Premarital Agreements Section B Is the Traditional Family Structure at Risk? Section C A Male Nanny
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求矩阵A中的马鞍点(行中最小列中最大) void Get Saddle(int a[mlnl)
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Section A The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams Section B The Romantic Life of Secret Agent Albert Section C For the Want of a Telephone Call
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16.1 D/A转换器概述 D/A转换器输入的是数字量,经转换后输出的是模拟量。 有关D/A转换器的技术性能指标很多,例如绝对精度、相对精 度、线性度、输出电压范围、温度系数、输入数字代码种类 (二进制或BCD码)等。 1) 分辩率 分辨率是D/A转换器对输入量变化敏感程度的描述,与输 入数字量的位数有关。如果数字量的位数为n,则D/A转换器 的分辨率为2-n。这就意味着数/模转换器能对满刻度的2-n输入 量作出反应
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第一节 D/A转换器 第二节 A/D 转换器
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A 10-bit 80-MS/s opamp-sharing pipelined ADC with a switch-embedded dual-input MDAC
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