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一、语文教学策略 (一)制定课堂教学目标的策略 (二)优化教学过程的策略 (三)建立有效教学方式的策略 (四)选择教学方法的策略
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Learning strategies are specific methods of learning information that help them learn and remember things. The four commonly observed trends in the development of learning strategies (1)rehearsal increases during the elementary school years. It is rare in kindergarten children but increases in frequency and effectiveness throughout the elementary school years
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Constructivism are based on the idea that, unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. Rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge.Teachers cannot entirely control their students’ learning, expert teachers can do much to facilitate students’ own active learning processes
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帮助青年学生树立正确的人生观,及早规划好自己的人生计划,作一个 对社会、对他人有意义的人,并通过深入探讨价值问题,激励学生择取正确的价值取向。 教学要求:教师讲解、学生讨论相结合。 教学重点、难点:人的本质、人生价值的基本特征、人生价值的创造与实现
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1. 为什么要研究人工智能 2. 人工智能的发展历史 3. 人工智能的学科范畴 4. 人工智能的研究领域 5. 人工智能系统结构及特点 6. 人工智能系统应用 7. 参考文献
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1. 为什么要研究人工智能 2. 人工智能的发展历史 3. 人工智能的学科范畴 4. 人工智能的研究领域 5. 人工智能系统结构及特点 6. 人工智能系统应用 7. 参考文献
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1. 为什么要研究人工智能 2. 人工智能的发展历史 3. 人工智能的学科范畴 4. 人工智能的研究领域 5. 人工智能系统结构及特点 6. 人工智能系统应用 7. 参考文献
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1. 为什么要研究人工智能 2. 人工智能的发展历史 3. 人工智能的学科范畴 4. 人工智能的研究领域 5. 人工智能系统结构及特点 6. 人工智能系统应用 7. 参考文献
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3.1 What is learning? Are they instances of learning? (1) A young child takes his first steps. (2) An adolescent male feels a strong attraction to certain females. (3) A child feels anxious when he sees the doctor coming with a needle. (4) Long after learning how to multiply, a girl realizes on her own that another way to multiply by 5 is to divided by 2 and multiply by 10(e.g. 428×5 can by figured as follows:428/2=214 ×10=2140)
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4.1 Thorndike’s Connectionism 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndike:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University. 1895-1897,studied psychology in Harvard Unviversity.(James) 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH.D.(Kattel) 1912, became Chairman of APA
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