I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which of the following quantities are independent of the choice of inertial frame? (There may be more than one correct answer) (A)Velocity (B)Acceleration (C)Force (D)Work Solution: In all the inertial frame, the forces acted on a body are same,=ma=F'=ma', therefore the force and acceleration are independent of the choice of inertial frame
一、名词解释(本题共5小题,每题3分,共15分) 1.Metapopulation 2.Ecosystem 3. Short Day Plant 4. Species Frequency 5.Ecotone 二、选择题(本题共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 1.著有《生态学基础》一书并因此获得“泰勒”奖,被誉为“现代生态学之父”的是下列哪位生态 学家?() A.Odum B.Haeckel C.Clements D. Tansley