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2-1导热基本定律 1、温度场 傅立叶定律为:Φ=-A,为求通过物体的热流量必须 知道物体内部的温度分布。一般地讲,物体的温度分布是坐标 和时间的函数,即
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Before we look specifically at thin-walled sections, let us consider the general case (i.e, thick-Walled) Hollow thick-walled sections Figure 12.1 Representation of a general thick-walled cross-section 中=c2 on one boundary φ=c1 on one boundary This has more than one boundary(multiply-connected do=0 on each boundary
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Introduction This manual is one of a series dealing with materials and manufacturing procedures for biscuits It describes, in general terms the most important ingredients used to make biscuits by type, function, handling and storage. Most of the ingredients are used to make biscuit dough. The techniques for
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Chilled food technology has had a very significant impact on the types of food eaten by consumers during the 1980s and 1990s. This method of food preservation has satisfied the desires of people for safe, reliable, fresh products providing convenience despite the limited shelf-life. This introduction reviews the definition, range and market size of chilled food and indicates trends for the L1 Definition Foods distributed under refrigeration and sold from refrigerator cabinets have been available for many years. Although there were many new chilled product
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一、单项选择 1、共产党与各民主党派的关系是() A.共产党是执政党,各 民主党派是在野党。 B.共产党是在朝党,各民主党派是在野党。 C.共产党 是主要党,各民主党派是次要党。 D.共产党是执政党,各民主党派是参政 党
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Plant K A. Potassium content of plants 1.20-50gkg-1 2. Plants take up large amount of K. Only N is taken up more. 3. In some plants (sugar beets and potatoes) K uptake is greater than N uptake
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第一编知识产权与知识产权法 第一章知识产权法概述 同步测试题与参考答案 1、单项选择题 (1)我国目前业已形成的是以()为龙头的保护知识产权的法律体系。 A、反不正当竞争法B、民法通则C合同法著作权法
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1概率概念概述 本节的目的是为了快速地回顾概率论中的一些基本概念。 1.1结论和事件 我们认为试验或行为是可以多次重复进行的每次重复进行的结果可 记为.某事件A是满足一定条件结果的集合,一个基本事件仅包括一个 单一的结果
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6.1选择合适的答案填入空内。 (1)对于放大电路,所谓开环是指 A.无信号源 B.无反馈通路 C.无电源 D.无负载
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8.1判断下列说法是否正确,用“√”或“×”表示判断结果。 (1)在图T8.1所示方框图中,产生正弦波振荡的相位条件是中F=±中A。() (2)因为RC串并联选频网络作为反馈网络时的中=0,单管共集
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