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一、需要清除掉头发中人工色素的原因 二、重复染发使发色太深、枯燥无光或发千颜色的不均匀 三、顾客希望回到他/她的较浅的自然发色中 四、使用了流行色后,顾客又希望颜色更自然些 五、使用的配方不正确,导致效果并非所愿
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Optimal Commodity Taxation Assume that the goal is to finance expenditures with a minimum of excess burden. Assume lump sum taxes are infeasible 3 commodities: Good X. Y, and leisure
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习题14-2 解:(1)由x=0.1cos20t+与x=Acos(t+)比较得振幅A=0.1(m)角频率=20初相π频率V==10周期T==0.1(s)
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1 Find F(s) if f(t) = (a)(t-3);(b)4t u(t-3); (c)4 cos to(t-3). 2 Obtain partial-fraction expansions for each of the following rational functions, and find the corresponding time functions:
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The medicinal use of plants has been discovered more than 2000 years ago. Greek physician Dioscorides described the use of opium, in which morphine is the main component. In 1806, morphine was isolated from opium. In 1820, quinine was isolated from the bark of the cinchona tree
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14.1 FoxPro与其它语言交换数据的方法 14.2库文件与文本文件的数据交换 14.3直接调用其它高级语言的命令 RUN 14.4调用汇编语言子程序
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abilities for pd manas alysis23-4,128-30 activities 20. 95.144-6 ive 74-5 commercialisation 119-23. 322-4 and operational 71-6 337-8,342-3 consumer and industrial products apple product development 317, 319-26 318-9 design and process development assessment tool and methodology(ATM) 112-14,322,336-7,341-2
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焦裕禄,1922年8月16日出生在山东淄博北 崮山村一个贫困农民的家里。1962年12月6日, 他来到兰考,先后任县委第二书记、书记。焦 裕禄在兰考仅仅工作了一年零四个月,但他带 领兰考36万人民战胜了风沙、内涝、盐碱“三 害”。1964年5月14日因肝癌走完了他42个春 秋的人生历程
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14.1CD简历 141CD上的几件大事 14.1.2CD系列产品 14.2CD的工作原理 14.3 CD-Audio 14.3.1.采用频率和样本大小 14.3.2.声道数 14.3.3.声音数据的通道编码 14.3.4.CD盘如何批量生产
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6-14在300K的温度下,2m理想气体的体积从4.0×10-3m3等温压 缩到1.0×10-3m3,求在此过程中气体作的功和吸收的热量
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