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第一部分:图表写作套句精选 第二部分:写作常识 第三部分:的段首和结尾填空式写法 第四部分:起始和扩展段落的句式 第五部分:写作常用词汇及词组
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Preface The essence Th This document is intended to be a compilation of tips and tricks mainly related to efficient ways of manipulating arrays in MATLAB. Here, \manipulating arrays\includes replicating and rotating arrays or parts of arrays, inserting, extracting replacing, permuting and shifting arrays or parts of arrays, generating combinations and permutations of elements, run-length encoding and decoding
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Chapter 6 Cytoplasmic matrix, Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane trafficking Learning objective 1. Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic Cells; 2. The structural and functional relationship among the ER, Golgi complexes, lysosomes and plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells; 3. The pathways of proteins targeting and sorting, and its mechanisms; 4. The ways of protein modifications and intracellular sites after they are synthesized; 5. Types of vesicle transport and their functions
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Template Structures By far the most common type of fixed offshore structure in existence today is the template, or substructure that extends from the seafloor to above the water surface and a prefabricated steel deck located atop the substructure. The deck is supported by pipe piles driven through the legs of the substructure into the seafloor. These piles not
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Ship motions Ship motions are defined by the movements from the equilibrium position of the ship's centre of gravity along the three axes shown in Figure and by rotations about axes approximately parallel to these. The linear displacements along the horizontal
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The design of a ship involves a selection of the features of form, size, proportions, and other factors which are open to choice, in combination with those features which are imposed by circumstances beyond the control of the design naval architect. Each new ship should do some
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Break-bulk cargo ships The inboard space in break bulk cargo ships is divided longitudinally by transverse bulkheads spaced 40-70 ft apart, into a series of cargo compartments of approximately equal volume
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Those who have attained some familiarity with computer operation and application have subsequently learned hat they must continually keep abreast of developments or rapidly fall behind, not only in regard to programming skills but most naval architects have properly decided
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The underwater search has been made possible only by vast improvements in offshore technology. Drillers first took to the sea with land rigs mounted on barges towed to location and anchored or with fixed platforms accomp
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A naval architect asked to design a ship may receive his instructions in a form ranging from such simple requ ents as \an oil tanker to carry 100 000 tons deadweight at 15 knot nots\to a fully detailed specification of precisely planned requirements. He is usually required to prepare design for a vessel that must carry certain
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