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在一个统计决策问题中,可供选择的决策函 数往往很多,自然希望寻找使风险最小的决策函 数,然而在这种意义下的最优决策函数往往是不 存在的。这是因为风险函数R(,d)是既依赖于参 数又依赖于决策函数d的二元函数,它往往会 使得在某些处决策函数1的风险函数值较小; 而在另一些θ处决策函数a2的风险函数值较小。要解这个问题,就要建立一个整体指标的比较准则
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§4-1 刚体的运动 §4-2 转动动能 转动惯量 §4-3 转动定律 §4-4 角动量及角动量守恒 §4-5 力矩的功 动能定理 §4-6* 进动
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1. Early studies on the peptide(protein) structure 1.1 The peptide(o=c-n-h) bond was found to be shorter than the C-N bond in a simple amine and atoms attached are coplanar. 1.1.1 This was revealed by X-ray diffraction studies of amino acids and of simple dipeptides and tripeptides
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Fit for Human Consumption?(1) David Vaver(2) Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use Contents
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7-1 Introduction to the Activated-Sludge Process Historical Development The activated-sludge p now used routinely for biological treatment of municipal and industrial dge process date back to the early 1880s to the work of stewater in tanks and the hastening of the oxidation quently by a number of investigators, ility could be secured by e Experiment Station
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1,氨基酸( amino acid):是含有一个碱性氨基和一个酸性羧基的有机化合物,氨基一般连在a-碳上。 2,必需氨基酸( essential amino acid):指人(或其它脊椎动物)(赖氨酸,苏氨酸等)自己不能合成,需要从食物中获得的氨基酸
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正循环(热机循环) 特征 (1)P-V图中循环过程沿顺时D针方向进行。 (2)工质经一循环从高温热源吸热Q1(>0)在低温热源放热Q2(绝对值),对外输出净功A(>0)
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一、单项选择题 1.某股份制公司委托某证券公司代理发行普通股00000股,每股面值1元, 每股按1.1元的价格出售。按协议,证券公司从发行收入中收取3%的手续费, 从发行收入中扣除。则该公司计入资本公积的数额为()元。 A.6700 B.3000 C.110000 D.0
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1、要了解某地区全部成年人口的就业情况,那么() A、全部成年人是研究的总体 B、成年人口总数是统计指标 C、成年人口就业率是统计标志 D、“职业”是每个人的特征,“职业”是数量指标 E、某人职业是“教师”,这里的“教师”是标志表现
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