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一、功(work) 功的定义为:dw=fdrdw=F.dr= cos=Fcos Ods力对质点所作的功为力在质点位移方向的分量与位移大小的乘积
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Lecture D32: Damped Free Vibration Spring-Dashpot-Mass System k Spring Force Fs =-kx, k>0 Dashpot Fd =-cx, c>0 Newton's Second Law (mx =EF) mx +cx+kx (Define)Natural Frequency wn=k/m,and
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We have seen that the work done by a force F on a particle is given by dw =. dr. If the work done by F, when the particle moves from any position TI to any position T2, can be expressed as, W12=fdr=-(V(r2)-V(1)=V-v2, (1) then we say that the force is conservative. In the above expression, the scalar
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例1.有一硅样品,施主浓度为D=2,受主浓度为=10cm,已知 施主电离能△ED=E-E=0.05eV,试求99%的施主杂质电离时的温度。 思路与解:令N和NA表示电离施主和电离受主的浓度,则电中性方程为:
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16.322 Stochastic Estimation and Control Professor Vander Velde 1. P(ABCD.=P(A)P(B A)P(C|AB)P(D 1 ABC) Derive this by letting A=CD. Then P(BCD)= P(CD)P(B ICD)= P(C)P(DIC)P(DICD) 2. If A,, A2r.. is a set of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events, then
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the short-circuit input impedance I12=0 the short-circuit forward current gain I1V2=0 Let 1=0 he open-circuit reverse voltage gain I1=0 the open-circuit output admittance
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第三章思考题: 氢的正仲态转化,氦的入相变及相图 第四章作业 1.1kmol空气有p=98kpa,T=300K等温压缩到p=2500kpa然后经节流阀节流到p=98kpa,试求其积分节流效应(分别用计算法和图解法)和制冷量
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确定局部损失系数的实验方法 例用U形压差计测量水平放置弯管的局部损 失系数。已知d=0.25m,Q=0.04m3/s,U 形管工作液体的密度P=1600kg/m3。如果 测得△h=70mm,试计算5 解忽略沿程损失,对1和2断面列出伯努利方程
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1第一类金属的电极反应 Zn=Zn2++2e 2第二类金属的电极反应 Ag+Cl=AgCl+e 3气体电极反应 2H'+e=H2 (Pt) 4氧化还原电极反应 Fe2+=Fe3++e
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1.1用真值表证明下列恒等式 (1)⊕B=A⊙B=AB1 (2)A(B⊕C)=AB⊕AC (3)(A+B)(A+C)(B+C)=(a+B)(a+C)
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