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罗伯特·卢卡斯(Lucas,R.)在剑桥大 学所作的“马歇尔讲座”上的讲话 印度的收入每50年翻一番,而韩国每10年翻一 番。平均来说,一个印度人的收入将是他祖父 的两倍,而一个韩国人的收入将是他祖父的32 倍…我无法想象一个人看到这些数字时不会 认为其代表了巨大的可能性。印度政府是否能 采取某些行动使印度的经济像印度尼西亚和埃 及的经济那样增长?
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一.事件的运算 如果A,B,C为三事件,则A+B+C为至 少一次发生,A+B+C为至少一次不发生, AB+BC+AC和ABC+ABC+ABC+ABC都是 至少两次发生,ABC+ABC+ABC为恰有两 次发生ABC+ABC+ABC为恰有一次发生 等等,要善于将语言翻译成事件运算公式以及 将公式翻译成语言
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一、海商法的概念 海商法,英文为Maritime law或 Law of admiralty,前者通常翻译为“海商 法”,后者通常翻译为“海事法”。 “海事”、“海商”的含义:广义上的海事指一切海上事物;狭义海事指船 舶在海上发生的事故。狭义的海商指航海贸易广义的海商还包括船舶在海上 发生的海损事故。两者有重叠之处。谁包括谁呢?
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1995年美国保健品比五年前翻 了一翻,达10亿美元,如果再加上 维生素、矿物质等营养素,销售额 达46亿美元。其中最风靡的保健品 是褪黑激素,现名褪黑素
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主持人:好,请武教授马上给咱们带来一场精彩的学术报告,深入浅出的学术报告,叫做“什么是分 岔”。好,有请。 武际可:我今天讲的是关于分岔的问题。分岔在英文叫做 Bifurcation,这个词在中文里头大概有六种 翻译,我看到的有六种翻译,每个含义用词都用得不一样,有的叫分叉、有的叫分枝、还有的叫分歧等等
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第一节 遗传密码 第二节 蛋白质合成的分子基础 第三节 翻译的步骤 第四节 蛋白质的运输及翻译后修饰
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• This chapter is chiefly concerned with the transformation rules between various parts of speech in English-Chinese translation, including the transformation of nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs in English
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• Ⅰ. Reasons • Ⅱ.English passive: • Syntactic passive(结构被动) • Notional passive (意义被动) • E.g. • 1)She dressed beautifully. • (She is dressed beautifully.) • 2 )These products sell like hot cakes. (These products are sold like hot cakes. ) • Ⅲ. Chinese passive • Marked passive • Unmarked passive • Ⅳ. E-C Translation • 1. E:译为C的主动句或Unmarked passive • 2. E: 译为C的Marked passive • 3. E: 译为C的被动句的转化形式(Chinese passive may be expressed by other structure)
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• Ⅰ. Amplification in English-Chinese translation • Amplification means to add necessary words, phrases, clauses or sentences to the translated text in purpose of making it consistent with the target language in meaning, grammar and culture connotation. Amplification does not add new information to the message and only help understand the text. In this part we will analyze how to use amplification to achieve equivalence in English-Chinese translation in these three levels, i.e. syntactic, semantic, and rhetorical. • 1) Her tone was more friendly than David’s (tone). • 2) She sang her sweetest (song). • 3) Shall I write my name on, above or below the line?
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• Ⅰ. Nida’s analysis of the process of translation • (1) analysis of the source text • (2) transfer from the source to the target language • (3) restructuring in the target language • (4) testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended(future) audience
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