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Chapter 4 Ultrafiltration M.J. LEWIS, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading RG6 6AP 4.1 INTRODUCTION Ultrafiltration offers the opportunity to concentrate large molecular weight components without the application of heat or a change of phase. Such components are rejected
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Chapter 6 Ion-exchange and electrodialysis ALISTAIR S. GRANDISON, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AP, UK Ion-exchange and electrodialysis are distinct methods of separation, but can conveniently be treated together, as the basic criterion for separation in both cases is the molecular
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Chapter 8 Fractionation of fat KANES K. RAJAH, Welsh Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberyst- wyth, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3DD 8.1 INTRODUCTION Edible fats are derived from animal, marine or plant sources. They are often not available
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This book concentrates on the more recent methods and techniques for separating food components and products of the biotechnology industry. Each chapter deals with a specific type or area of application and includes information on the basic principles, industrial equipment available, commercial applications and an overview of current research and development and some of the heat and mass transfer considerations in batch and continuous processes Separations from solids, liquids and gases are briefly discussed. A summary is provided of the more conventional separation techniques such as screening, filtration and centrifugation, and techniques for
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Preface This book concentrates on the more recent methods and techniques for separating food components and products of the biotechnology industry. Each chapter deals with a specific type or area of application and includes information on the basic principles
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地基在荷载作用下会产生附加应力,从而引起地基(主要是竖向变形),建筑 物基础亦随之沉降。如果沉降超过容许范围,就会导致建筑物发裂或影响其正 常使用,严重者还会威胁建筑物的安全因此,在地基基础设计与施工时,必 须重视地基变形问题;如果地基不均匀或上部结构荷载差异较大,还应考虑不 均匀沉降对建筑物的影响
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一、杆件参数的意义 二、坐标系的建立原则 三、杆件坐标系间的变换过程-相邻关节坐标 系的齐次变换 四、机器人的运动学方程
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• 认识语言的社会功能, • 理解语言是人类最重要的交际工具及其在社会生活中的重要作用, • 了解语言与思维的关系。 • 第一节 语言是人类最重要的交际工具。 • 一、 语言和说话• 语言不同于说话。 • 二、语言是人类社会的交际工具 • 三、语言是人类最重要的交际工具 • 第二节 语言是思维的工具 • 一、语言和思维的关系 • 二、儿童学习语言的过程 • 三、关于聋哑人的思维 • 四、思维能力是全人类共同的,语言是各民族不同的
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安全人机工程学是从安全的角度研究人与机 全的关系,运用人机工程学的原理和方法去解决 人机结合面的安全问题的一门新兴学科。其立足点 放在安全上面,对在活动(含生产活动、生活活 程动、生存活动)过程中的人实行保护为目的,主 要阐述人与机保持什么样的关系,才能保证人的 安全。它作为人机工程学的一个应用学科的分支 以安全为目标、以工效为条件,并与以安全为前 提、以工效为目标的工效人机工程学并驾齐驱, 而成为安全工程学的一个重要分支学科
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