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• 为什么许多国家对垄断企业进行限制或禁止? • 为什么基础设施大多由国家投资? • 为什么企业不愿意投资基础研究? • 为什么国有企业的管理者管理企业的平均绩效较低? • 为什么一些企业不愿意大张旗鼓地打假?
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本章结构: 第一节中央银行的产生与发展 第二节中央银行的性质和职能 第三节中央银行的业务
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随着科技文化的不断发展,智力成果一一知识产权的保 护问题已越来越受到世界各国的重视。科技文化的发展和科 技文化市场的繁荣,需要有健全的知识产权法规加以规范,而 知识产权保护制度的建立和完善,又反过来促进科技文化的 进步和科技文化市场的兴旺。实践表明,对知识产权的保护 及其保护程度如何,已成为当今衡量一个国家、一个地区文 明水准的标志之一。 党的十一届三中全会以来,我国在知识产权制度立法方 面已取得了一系列重要的进展。商标法、专利法、著作权法 和反不正当竞争法相继问世,与此相配套的三十多部行政法 规纷纷出台
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Ch. 10 Autocorrelated Disturbances In a time-series setting, a common problem is autocorrelation, or serial corre- lation of the disturbance across periods. See the plot of the residuals at Figure
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Ch. 12 Stochastic Process 1 Introduction a particularly important aspect of real observable phenomena, which the random variables concept cannot accommodate, is their time dimension; the concept of random variable is essential static. A number of economic phenomena for which we need to formulate probability models come in the form of dynamic processes
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Ch. 14 Stationary ARMA Process a general linear stochastic model is described that suppose a time series to be generated by a linear aggregation of random shock. For practical representation it is desirable to employ models that use parameters parsimoniously. Parsimony may often be achieved by representation of the linear process in terms of a small number of autoregressive and moving
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Ch. 16 Stochastic Model Building Unlike linear regression model which usually has an economic theoretic model built somewhere in economic literature, the time series analysis of a stochastic process needs the ability to relating a stationary ARMA model to real data. It is usually best achieved by a three-stage
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Ch. 18 Vector Time series 1 Introduction In dealing with economic variables often the value of one variables is not only related to its predecessors in time but, in addition, it depends on past values of other variables. This naturally extends the concept of univariate stochastic process to vector time series analysis. This chapter describes the dynamic in
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where a subscribed element of a matrix is always read as arou, column. Here we confine the element to be real number a vector is a matrix with one row or one column. Therefore a row vector is Alxk and a column vector is AixI and commonly denoted as ak and ai,respec- tively. In the followings of this course, we follow conventional custom to say that a vector is a columnvector except for
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Ch. 21 Univariate Unit Root process 1 Introduction Consider OLS estimation of a AR(1)process, Yt= pYt-1+ut where ut w ii d (0, 0), and Yo=0. The OLS estimator of p is given by and we also have
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