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1 Virus genome 2 Prokaryote Genome 3 Eukaryote Genome
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Expression of many genes in cells are requlated Housekeeping genes expressed constitutively, essential for basic processes involving in cell replication and growth. Inducible genes expressed only when they are activated by inducers or cellular factors
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华南师范大学:《医学分子生物学》第七章 信号转导(signal transduction)(董彩虹)
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华南师范大学:《医学分子生物学》第七章 细胞通讯(cell communication)与信号转导(signal transduction)(董彩虹)
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Part III: Expression of the Genome Ch 12: Mechanisms of Transcription Ch 13: RNA Splicing Ch 14: Trans lation Ch 15: The Genetic Code
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华南师范大学:《医学分子生物学》第十三章 DNA芯片技术(董彩虹)
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DNA replication DNA damage and repair Reverse transcription RNA replication
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Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E---Watson et al. (2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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华南师范大学:《医学分子生物学》第十七章 基因治疗(董彩虹)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:263.99KB 文档页数:3
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