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hangingwall ramp A- Ramps and flats hangingwall B-Hangingwall ramp and footwall footwall ramp footwall ramp B C-? thrust sequence New thrusts develop in the footwall
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hangingwall ramp A- Ramps and flats hangingwall B-Hangingwall ramp and footwall footwall ramp footwall ramp B C-? thrust sequence New thrusts develop in the footwall
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中南民族大学:《微生物学》第十讲 原核微生物
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Review Primary sedimentary structures Faults (thrust system, extensional fault system, strike-slip fault system) · Joints(tension joints, conjugate joints,en echelon joints) Folding (bending, buckling, flexural slip, flexural flow, passive folding, kinking)
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Review of Faults and Fractures (Read the summary of faulting in the copy papers after class)
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5.1 网络层设计要点 5.2 路由算法 5.3 拥塞控制算法 5.4 服务质量 5.5 网络互联 5.6 Internet上的网络层
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GPS Survey: Tibet, Tarim Basin, Tian Shan Station velocity w r t. Siberia
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TECTONIC MODELING Significance of tectonic modeling History of tectonic modeling Methods of tectonic modeling General procedure of tectonic modeling
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案例1:我国经济的软着陆 “过热——治理——再过热——再治理”...。长期以来在我国经济 生活中屡屡出现的“大起大落”现象,曾被人们称之为新中国经济发展史上 难以根治的一大顽症。 然而,自1996年我国宏观经济运行呈现出“高增长与低通胀并存的局面
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一、两个市场同时均衡时的利率和收入 二、均衡收入和利率的变动
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