d-- 柯赫原则 巴斯德发现并证实
Bacteria in bright-field microcopy
Bacteria in bright-field microcopy
Bacteria in dark-field microcopy
Bacteria in dark-field microcopy
Bacteria in phase-contrast microcopy
Bacteria in phase-contrast microcopy
Bacteria in nomarski microcopy
Bacteria in nomarski microcopy
Purple and green(Anoxygenic Photptrophic)Bacteria Membrane systems of phototrophic bacteria as revealed by the electron mi croscope. (a) Purple phototrophic bacterium, Ectothi orhodospira nobilis, showing the photosynthetic membranes in flat sheets (l amell ae).(b) Chromaatiun sp., strain D, another purple phototrophic bacterium, showing the membranes as indivi dual vesicles. (c) Green phototrophic bacterium. Pelodictyon sp, showing location of chlorosomes. (d) Heliobacterium chl orun, showing the lack of internal photosynthetic membranes
Purple and Green(Anoxygenic Photptrophic) Bacteria
Purple and green(Anoxygenic Phototrophic) bacteria <3 3 b
Purple and Green(Anoxygenic Photptrophic) Bacteria
Purple and green (anoxygenic Photptrophic) bacteria x 88 Representatives of several genera of nonsulfur purple bacteria. (a) Rhodospirillum fulvum; cells are about 3 um long. (b) Rhodopseudomonas aci dophila: cells are about 4 um long. (c)Rhodobacter sphaeroides cells are about 1.5 um wi de (d)Rhodopila globiformis cells are about 1.6 um wide. (e Rhodocyclus purpureus: cells are Rhodomi crobiun vannielii: cells are about 1.2 um wide
Purple and Green(Anoxygenic Photptrophic) Bacteria
Purple and green(anoxygenic Phototrophic)bacteria Green sulfur and green nonsulfur photrophic bacteria. (a) Chlorobium limicola cells are about 0.8 um wide. Note the sulfur granules deposited exteacellul arly. (b) Pelodictyon clathratiforme, a bacterium forming a three-dimensional network; cells are about 0. 8 um wide. hloroflexus aurantiacus, a filamentous gli ding bacterium; cells are about 1 um wide. (d)Oscillochloris, a large filamentous, gliding green bacterium; cells are about 5 um wide. Phase contrast. The brightly contrasting material is the hol dfast. (e) Electron micrograph of Oscillochloris.The chlorosomes in this preparation are darkly stained
Purple and Green(Anoxygenic Photptrophic) Bacteria
Purple and green(anoxygenic Photptrophic) bacteria Phase contrast micrograph and (b)transmission electron micrograph of the greeen bacterial consortium chlorochromatium aggregatum. In(a) the nonphototrophic central ogani smis much lighter in color than the pigmented phototrophicbacteria Note the chlorosomes(arrows)in(b). The entire consortium is about 3*6um
Purple and Green(Anoxygenic Photptrophic) Bacteria