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November 29, 2001 Duty and Famine: Singer Last time we considered Mill's version of Utilitarianism, called Eudaimonistic Utilitarianism characterized by what he calls \the greatest-happiness principle\: You ought always to act so as to maximize happiness, i.e., the right act is the act that results in the greatest amount of happiness overall. The \greatest-happiness principle\, however, just states one version of Utilitarianism. Other versions of
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December 10. 2001 (Meta-Ethical Subjectivism(or Non-cognitivism) For the past couple of weeks we have been focusing on the following questions i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform? ii)What makes an action right or wrong? What about the action determines its moral status? Our third question has received less attention
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Prof. Sally Haslanger December 2, 2001 Kantian Ethics (and more on famine) So far we've looked at egoist and utilitarian approaches to ethics. The main objection we considered to egoism was that it failed to accommodate the common sense idea that morality involves a kind of impartiality, at the very least it seems that
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Enlightenment A European cultural movement that reached its height in the 18th century, but which still resonates today Enlightenment theories about economics and philosophy, still widely held today, have provided the basis for numerous critiques from numerous critics including members of the Frankfurt school and most of the leading French thinkers of modern and postmodern eras
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Humanists of renaissance
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Key Lectures 1)Social Thoughts of Ancient Greece 2)Cosmopolitanism of Mediterranean Empire: Hellenic Social Thoughts 3) Social Thoughts in Roman Law 4) Christian Social Philosophy in the Middle Ages
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第一章绪论 第一节思维、语言与逻辑 一、“逻辑”的含义 “逻辑”一词是根据英语“Logic”音译而来它源出于希腊文Logos(逻 各斯),原意指思想、言辞、理性、秩序、规律性等。古希腊学者用这个词指称 研究推理论证的学问。西方逻辑学传入我国,始于明朝李之藻翻译《名理探》 一书。清朝末年的著名学者严复在翻译《穆勒名学》时,首次将“Logic”译为 “逻辑”,但并没有将“逻辑”这个词定为这门学科的名称,他将逻辑学称为 “名学”,因为中国先秦时期就有“名学的概念。当时有人引用日本的译名称 之为“论理学”,也有人译为“辩学”。孙中山先生则称其为“理则学”,这个名 称在台湾至今沿用
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“模态”一词是英文“modal”的音译,原意为“样式的”,“情态的”。模态逻辑是研究包 含模态词“必然”、“可能”的模态命题及其推理的科学。模态逻辑历史很悠久,早在两千多年 前,亚里士多德就对模态命题做过许多讨论,研究了模态词和模态三段论,但在很长一段时间 里模态逻辑的价值被忽略了,因而模态逻辑基本上没有得到发展。直到本世纪初,美国逻辑学 家 Lewis用数理逻辑的方法和观点对模态逻辑作了系统的研究,这才使模态逻辑的发展进入了 一个崭新的时期
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第一节联言命题及其推理 一、什么是联言命题 联言命题是断定两种或两种以上事物情况同时存在的命题,它反映的是同一对象或不 同对象的不同属性的共同性和相容性。例如:
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从科学研究到日常交流,人们在思维活动中经常要证实某种思想或驳斥某种观点。这 时我们就面临着论证的问题。一个论证过程,往往需要有选择地、创造性地综合运用各种思 维形式与思维规律
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