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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study how employment is determined in the labor market We are considering the labor market in which the following relation should always hold:
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1.选择题 (1)D (2)C (3)A (4)A (5)C (6)A (7)C (8)2 (9)A
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Government Debt 1. Is budget deficit correctly measured? (1)Inflation (2)Capital Assets ( 3)Uncounted liabilities ( 4) Business cycle
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Solow growth model 1. Production function(total; per capita) 2. Savings investment schedule 3. Depreciation 4. Steady state 5. Golden rule 6. Path from one steady state to the Golden Rule steady state
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Introduction What are the three big problems macroeconomics studies? GDP -- Calculation: intermediate inventories;used;GNP Real v.s. Nominal (deflator; CPD) Okun'sLaw
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两部门模型的基本假设; 凯恩斯主义的消费函数及其边际消费倾向的概念; 凯恩斯主义的储蓄函数及其边际储蓄倾向的概念; 凯恩斯主义的投资函数; 均衡国民收入决定模型;
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判断正误并说明理由。(每题4分) 1.财政政策的内在时滞比货币政策长。(Mankiw P3345) 正确。1分
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通过本章的学习,使学生掌握失业和通货膨胀理论及二者之 间的相互关系
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study ho lOW money and interest rate is determined in the money and financial market The money and financial market is the market in which money and various financial assets(such as, bonds and stocks) are exchanged
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一、在 Solow模型中考虑技术进步 二、促进增长的政策 三、增长经验主义者:比较理论与实际 四、内生增长:
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