Electric shock and lightning strike injuries result from the Lightning can also have widespread effects on the cardio- direct effects of current on the heart and brain and on cell vascular system, producing extensive catecholamine release membranes and vascular smooth muscle. Additional injuries or autonomic
Contents Development of hematopoietic system Hematopoietic organs Hematopoietic blood cells Characteristic of cell counts and hemoglobin RBC and Hb level Hemoglobin -wc/Platelet/Blood volume Anemia
85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
Chapter 7 Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Enzyme Activity Constitutive enzymes -Enzymes induced by specific circumstances Two major modes of regulation in the cell Control the activity of preexisting enzymes Control the amount of an enzyme
Questions for Eukarya 1. List the Eukaryotic Microorganism you have learned Eukaryotic microorganism r Algae(ER3): phototrophic eukaryotic miroorganisms Fungi(真菌类): nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms that contain rigid cell walls