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一、细胞生物学研究的内容和现状 二、细胞生物学是现代生命科学的重要基础学科 三、细胞生物学的主要研究内容 四、当前细胞生物学研究的总趋势与重点领域
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第一节 初识符号计算系统Mathematica 一、算术运算 二、代数运算 四、Notebook与Cell 三、系统的帮助 五、常用函数 六、变量 七、自定义函数 八、表 九、解方程 十、Which语句 第二节 用Mathematica做高等数学 一、求极限 二、求导运算 三、做导数应用题 四、做一元函数的积分 五、 解常微分方程 六、做三维图形 七、求偏导数 八、计算重积分 九、级数运算 十、 做数值计算
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table 13-1 Some Signals to Which Cells Respond Antigens Cell surface glycoproteins/oligosaccharides Developmental signals Extracellular matrix components Growth factors Hormones Light Mechanical touch Neurotransmitters Odorants
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一、细胞凋亡概念 细胞凋亡(Apoptosis)又称程序性细胞死亡( Programmed cell death简称PCD),是由基因编 程控制的细胞主动参与的自杀过程,是细胞衰老 自然死亡的主要方式之一,是一种生理性调节机 制,在机体中承担着重要的调控作用。 细胞凋亡与细胞坏死的机制不同(如图13-1) 细胞凋亡与细胞坏死的区别(表13-1)
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Electric shock and lightning strike injuries result from the Lightning can also have widespread effects on the cardio- direct effects of current on the heart and brain and on cell vascular system, producing extensive catecholamine release membranes and vascular smooth muscle. Additional injuries or autonomic
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Contents Development of hematopoietic system Hematopoietic organs Hematopoietic blood cells Characteristic of cell counts and hemoglobin RBC and Hb level Hemoglobin -wc/Platelet/Blood volume Anemia
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85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
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一、细胞生物学研究的内容和现状 二、细胞生物学是现代生命科学的重要基础学科 三、细胞生物学的主要研究内容 四、当前细胞生物学研究的总趋势与重点领域 五、细胞重大生命活动的相互关系
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Chapter 7 Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Enzyme Activity Constitutive enzymes -Enzymes induced by specific circumstances Two major modes of regulation in the cell Control the activity of preexisting enzymes Control the amount of an enzyme
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Questions for Eukarya 1. List the Eukaryotic Microorganism you have learned Eukaryotic microorganism r Algae(ER3): phototrophic eukaryotic miroorganisms Fungi(真菌类): nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms that contain rigid cell walls
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