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Definition: Dyspnea is defined as an awareness of difficulty in breathing It is therefore a symptom, usually described by the patient as \short of breath,\ whether the sensation is due to actual difficulty in breathing or is essentially an awareness of hyperventilation. If the symptom becomes striking, it always companies with dilatation of nares, cyanosis, use of accessory muscles of respiration and abnormalities of respiratory rate, depth or rhythm
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课程性质:翻译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程。 教学目的:使学生掌握翻译在中国、翻译的性质和类型、翻译的单位、汉英翻译的标准、以及汉英翻译对译者素养的要求
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《控制理论基础》 《系统工程》 《工程力学》 《计算机辅助设计》 《工程项目管理》 《人因工程》 《机械设计基础》 《设施规划与物流分析课程设计》 《设施规划与物流分析》 实习(实践) 《工程图学(一)》 《机械设计基础课程设计》 《液压与气动技术》 《电工技术基础》 《电子技术基础》 《数据分析与决策》 《工程数据库应用》 《MATLAB 工程基础》 《物流信息技术》 《物流信息管理系统》 《现代自动识别技术》 《物流工程专业英语》 毕业设计(论文) 《进出口报关实务》
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1、有助于吸收希腊文明的精华 2、有助于自身文化素养的提高 3、有助于跨文化能力的培养 4、有助于英语的学习(英文素养)-兴趣、阅读
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Dyspnea is defined as an awareness of difficulty in breathing It is therefore a symptom, usually described by the patient as \shortness of breath,\whether the sensation is due to actual difficulty in breathing or is essentially an awareness of hyperventilation. If the symptom becomes striking, it always companies with dilatation of nares, cyanosis, use of accessory muscles of respiration and abnormalities of respiratory rate, depth or rhythm
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Definition Cyanosis refers to bluish(带蓝色的 带青色的) color of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from an increased quantity of reduced hemoglobin(亚铁血 红蛋白;还原血红蛋白),orof hemoglobin derivatives, in the small blood vessels of those areas. It is usually most marked in the lips, nail beds(甲床),ears, and malar (颧骨的;颊的) eminences
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I. Auscultatory Valve Area 1. MV: apex, fifth left intercostal space, medial to the midclavicular line 2. PV: second left intercostal space 3. AV: second right intercostal space 4. AV,: left third intercostal space 5. TV: lower part of sternal ·6. Other part
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The writing of clinical record A patient's health record plays many important roles: It provides a view of the patient's health history/status It serves as the legal document describing the healthcare services provided to the patient It provides a method for clinical communication and care
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