Ch. 20 Processes with Deterministic Trends 1 Traditional Asymptotic Results of OlS Suppose a linear regression model with stochastic regressor given by Y=x!3+e,t=1,2,…,T,;B∈R or in matrix form y=xB+E We are interested in the asymptotic properties such as consistency and limiting
Ch. 6 The Linear model under ideal conditions The(multiple) linear model is used to study the relationship between a dependent variable(Y) and several independent variables(X1, X2, ,Xk). That is ∫(X1,X2,…,Xk)+ E assume linear function 1X1+B2X2+…+6kXk+E xB+ where Y is the dependent or explained
Ch. 13 Difference Equations 1 First-Order Difference Equations Suppose we are given a dynamic equation relating the value y takes on at date t to another variables Wt and to the value y took in the previous period: where o is a constant. Equation(1)is a linear first-order difference equation a difference equation is an expression relating a variable yt to its previous values
Hyponymy dog means the collection of all dogs mammal means the collection of all mammals X is hyponym of Y the meaning of is contained in the meaning of Y