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Carboxylic acids are just one member of a class of acyl derivatives, RCOY, where the acyl group is bonded to an electronegatives substituent -Y that can act as a leaving group in substitution reactions. Numerous acyl derivatives are possible, but we’ll be concerned only with four of the more common ones, in addition to carboxylic acids themselves: acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides
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1858 ~ 1861, Kekulé, Couper, and Butlerov, laid the basis for one of the most fundamental theories in chemistry: the structural theory. Valence(化合价): C — tetravalent; O — divalent; H — monovalent
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1.12A The Structure of Methane sp3 Hybridization The 4 sp3 orbitals should be oriented at angles of 109.5° with respect to each other. An sp3-Hybridized carbon gives a tetrahedral structure for methane, and with four equivalent C—H bonds
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More environment-friendly methods Natural insect attractants — instead pesticide Less reactive compounds organic refrigerants and aerosol propellant — instead Freon (that destroy the Earth’s ozone layer) Cars with more efficient combustion engines — reduce the massive amount of automobile
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把数学测验目标逐级分解为指标系统,使各个指标都可以直接进行 测量的量化要素就是编制数学测验。编制数学测验一般有以下主要步骤
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Conjugated unsaturated systems have a p orbital on a carbon adjacent to a double bond The p orbital can come from another double or triple bond The p orbital may be the empty p orbital of a carbocation or a p orbital with a single electron in it (a radical)
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A UV-Vis spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed at each wavelength of the UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. λmax— the wavelength of maximum absorption
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The most characteristic reactions of benzenoid arenes are the substitution reactions that occur when they react with electrophilic reagents. The electrophiles are either a positive ion (E+) or some other electron-deficient species with a large partial positive charge
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An acid is a substance that can donate (or lose) a proton, A base is a substance that can accept (or remove) a proton
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