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INTRODUCTION TO STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS Basic principles Basic procedures Exercise in class
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hinge lines axis A axial plane axial surface B (imaginary) Axis axial plane and axial surface
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Classification of folds (continue) Based on four main features or properties: 1 direction of closing and facing 2 attitude of axial surface 3 size of inter-limb angle, and 4 shape of profile 5 dip isogons
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hangingwall ramp A- Ramps and flats hangingwall B-Hangingwall ramp and footwall footwall ramp footwall ramp B C-? thrust sequence New thrusts develop in the footwall
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Extensional Fault Systems A- Evolutionary model illustrating progressive extension accommodated by block rotation above a low-angle extensional fault. B-Listric fault with hangingwall rollover anticline. Area and B are equal. C-Flat/ramp geometry of fault produces geometrically necessary folding in hangingwall
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hangingwall ramp A- Ramps and flats hangingwall B-Hangingwall ramp and footwall footwall ramp footwall ramp B C-? thrust sequence New thrusts develop in the footwall
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人教版初中生物八年级下册第八单元 健康地生活第一章 传染病和免疫导学案(3)
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一、本课程的任务及在工业生产中的地位 任务:研究固态相变的规律性,研究金属或合金热处理组织与性能之间的关 系以及热处理理论在工业生产中和应用。 地位:(1)工业生产领域:工业生产中不可缺少的技术,是提高产品质量和寿 命的关键工序,是发挥材料潜力、达到机械零部件轻量化的主要手段
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人教版初中生物八年级下册第八单元 健康地生活第一章 传染病和免疫导学案
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:131KB 文档页数:6
人教版初中生物八年级下册第八单元 健康地生活第一章 传染病和免疫教案(1)
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