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使用分析纯试剂配料,在1350℃保温1 h的条件下合成了A/S=5(Al2O3与SiO2质量比)的铝酸钙熟料.研究了钙铝比C/A(除去与SiO2结合的CaO后CaO与Al2O3的摩尔比)对熟料中12CaO·7Al2O3晶体结构及其氧化铝浸出性能的影响,并通过X射线衍射和X射线荧光等分析手段对其作用机理进行了探讨.结果表明:由于12CaO·7Al2O3量的增加,C/A=1.0~1.4时,石灰烧结法熟料溶出率随着C/A的提高而提高;在C/A=1.4时,熟料溶出率最高可达93.30%,此时CaO的缺失形成了有缺陷的12CaO·7Al2O3,且其中CaO的物质的量小于11.3 mol;钙铝比提高到1.7时熟料溶出率又出现了下降趋势,这是由于CaO的饱和导致12CaO·7Al2O3晶体择优生长取向发生变化,由(211)面开始向(420)晶面转变
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Text A: fantasy, suspicion, injection, deputy, considerate, restore, estate, fantastic, multiple, furnish, deceive, commission, substantial, arrest, motive, justify exceeding, swear, disguise, switch e Text B: romantics, mysterious, e it, sigh, simplify, standpoint, heave, shiver, 2. Key phrases and expressions Text A: raise a glass to, turn out, buy up, live out, add on, fix up, sell sth at a loss Text B: read about, for one thing, in the night, make an appointment, switch on, raise the devil answer the door. stare after 3. Key structures
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7.1 I/O接口扩展概述 7.2 MCS-51与可编程并行I/O芯片8255A的接口 7.3 显示器键盘接口 7.2.2 工作方式选择控制字及C口置位/复位控制字 7.2.3 8255A的三种工作方式 7.2.4 MCS-51单片机和8255A的接口 7.3 用74LSTTL电路扩展并行I/O口 11.1 MCS-51与DAC的接口 11.2 MCS-51与ADC的接口 11.3.MCS-51与ADC0809的接口
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9-4单变量有理函数域 9.4.1域上的一元有理分式域的定义 设R为一整环,命S={(b,a)|a,b∈R,a≠0}。现在S中规定为 逐一验证“反身性”、“对称性”、“传递性”可知为一等价关系。用(b,a)表示与 (ba)等价的元素的全体。现记S关于u的等价类的集合为%,则(b,a)是中的元 素。下面在上定义二元运算:
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Definition A tree is a collection of nodes. The collection can be empty: otherwise, a tree consists of (1) a distinguished node r, called the root; (2)and zero or more nonempty(sub)trees T1,., Tk, each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge from r Note:
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Law is omnipresent in modern society and legal institutions have a major place in the structure of Westem societies. Law and legal process are increasing enormously Law seems to be a kind of replacement, a substitute for traditional authority. The same goes for the Netherlands there is a great deal of litigation. However, we should not exaggerate: we cannot say that a
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CHOICE OF LAW IN INTEGRATED AND INTERCONNECTED MARKETS A Matter of Political Economy Horatia Muir Watt laws as an issue of political economy can be seen as a response to the tectonic shiff t of A case of lost innocence: 2 Shifis in the public/private divide. Describing the confl traditional thinking in this field 5 a new generation of collisions of economic regulation o o currently wrought by globalisation in respect of the public/private law divide, which shape
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1. Compare and contrast a restraining bend and a duplex. Where are they found? How do they form? 2. Given your knowledge of the formation of a duplex, and the dynamics of a restraining bend, would it be possible to form a strike-slip duplex? Last Modified September 18, 2000
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7.1 Dictionaries A dictionary is a collection of elements each element has a field called key, and no two elements have the same key value. Operations: Insert(x): insert an element with a specified key value Search(k,x): search an element with a specified key
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void tsmatr ix Add( TSMatrix A, TSMatr ix B, TSMatr ix&C)//三元组 表示的稀疏矩阵加法 C. mu=A. mu: C nu=A. nu C tu=0 pa=1;pb=1;pc=1; for(x=1;x<=A.mu;x+)//对矩阵的每一行进行加法 while(A data lpal. i
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