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1 一飞轮半径为0.2 m、转速为 150 r·min-1,因受制动而均匀减速,经 30 s 停止转动.试求:(1)角加速度和 在此时间内飞轮所转的圈数;(2)制动 开始后 t = 6 s 时飞轮的角速度;(3)t = 6 s 时飞轮边缘上一点的线速度、切向 加速度和法向加速度.
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1 质量 的质点受力 的作用,且力方向不变.t=0 s时从v0=10 m·s-1 开始作直线运动(v0方向与力向相同),求: (1)0~2 s内,力的冲量I;(2)t=2 s时质点的速 率v2.(式中力的单位为N,时间单位为s.)
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一、内能功和热量 理想气体内能EMiRT内能是状态量,是状态参量T的单值函数。实际气体内能:所有分子热运动的动能和分子间势能的总和。内能是状态参量T、V的单值函数
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1 已知质点沿 x 轴作直线运动,其运 动方程为: ,式中 x的单位 为m,t 的单位为s.求:(l)质点在运动 开始后4.0s内位移的大小;(2)质点在该 时间内所通过的路程;(3)t=4s时质点的 速度和加速度.
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he Greek word stereos means\solid, \and stereochemistry refers to chemistry in three dimensions. The foundations of organic stereochemistry were laid by Jacobus van't Hoff* and Joseph Achille Le Bel in 1874. Independently of each other, van't Hoff and Le Bel proposed that the four bonds to carbon were directed toward the cor- ners of a tetrahedron. One consequence of a tetrahedral arrangement of bonds to carbon
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CT分 類 (1)瑓性T 1.固有CT(2)密性CT (3)脂肪T 2.血液
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Proof Existence and uniqueness of r(t, u)and A(t)follow from Theorem 3. 1. Hence, in order to prove differentiability and the formula for the derivative, it is sufficient to show that there exist a function C: R++R+ such that C(r)/r-0 as r-0 and E>0 such
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一、教学目的要求 1.了解假设检验的原理和基本概念:原假设、备择假设、显著性水平(检验水平)、参数假设检验。 2掌握U、t检验法。 3重点掌握U、t检验法的步骤
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3.1.2 A general uniqueness theorem The key issue for uniqueness of solutions turns out to be the maximal slope of a=a(a) to guarantee uniqueness on time interval T=[to, t,, it is sufficient to require existence of a constant M such that
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一、免疫器官 1、中枢淋巴器官(一级淋巴器官): 胸腺T细胞分化场所(T淋巴细胞前体由骨 髓提供)。 骨髓B细胞分化场所。 分化不依赖抗原,在环境因子,细胞基质成分作 用下向一定方向特化产生,属于基因重组过程,有些 细胞分化后,表现各种潜在功能
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