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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation  Ⅰ. Three peaks of translation in history  1. The Translation of Buddhist Classics: the First Peak  2. The translation of books on science and technology: the second peak  (科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲 学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。)  3.The Translation of Western Classics: the Third Peak  (鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译)
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A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English and Chinese  From the angle of translatology, translation includes thought level, semantic level and aesthetic level. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the other levels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgrounds contributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese
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 I. Denotative Meaning & Associative Meaning  1. Denotative meaning:  (also known as conceptual meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the word meaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same denotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language
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Two tendencies often occur in the process of translation. One is going after smooth reading and beautiful language at the expense of the true meaning of the original, the other is rigidly sticking to the original words, and the translation turns out to be obscure [ əb'skjuə ] 难解的,含糊的and hard to understand
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Grammar 英语中的谓语动词在人称和数方面必须和主语保持一! He is standing over there, reading an English novel. The police have found out who the murderer is. 谓语动词必须和主语保持人称和数的一致,这是一个总 原则,运用时还要掌握一些具体的规则
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后缀suffix 常见的构成名词的后缀 -ability ability stability availability -age leakage shortage shrinkage drainage -a/ denial dismissal renewal withdrawal burial -an American Russian Asian Indian African -ance admittance attendance endurance -ant accountant attendant contestant pollutant
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Vocabulary structure Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 1.The assignment for Thursday is to write composition about your hometown A)a five-hundred-words B)a five-hundred-word C)a five-hundreds-word D)a five-hundreds-words
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1. 了解操作系统是如何实现资源分配和用户接口功能的。 2. 通过学习操作系统功能的演化,认识操作系统在实现过程中采用的基本概念与技术,了解操作系统设计中的概念。 3. 认识操作系统的结构,了解当前常见操作系统的特点 4. 掌握被动语态的翻译技巧
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Ellipsis I In compound sentences 电压的单位是伏特,电流的是安培。 Voltage is measured in volts and current in amperes. 地球吸引月球,月球也吸引地球 The earth attracts the moon and the moon the earth
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Ⅳ V The verb 1. Special link verbs y在这种情况下机器容易发热 In this case, machines get hot easily. y该皮带平压在滑轮 (pulley)上 The belt lies /presses rests/flat on the pulley y其结果证明是正确的。 Its result proves correct
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