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Goal: Give necessary optics background to tackle a space mission, which includes an optical payload Light .Interaction of light w/environment o Optical design fundamentals Optical performance considerations .Telescope types and CCd design interferometer types
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ARGOS Overview Angular Resolution at 2=550 nm: 5 arcsec Wavelength Regime 400-700 nm FOr (Field-of-Regard): 120(full cone)
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西华大学交通与汽车工程学院:《汽车理论》第三章 汽车动力装置参数的选定
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第一节概述 操纵稳定性 a.汽车正确遵循驾驶员通过操纵机构所给定的方向的能力; b.汽车抵抗企图改变行驶方向干扰、保持稳定行驶方向的能力。 不能过分降低车速或造成驾驶员疲劳
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支承通过性:以足够高的车速通过坏路和无路地带的能力。 几何通过性:以足够高的车速通过各种障碍的能力
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ADCS Motivation Motivation Sensors GPS star trackers. limb In order to point and slew optical sensors rate gy ros. inertial systems, spacecraft attitude control measurement units provides coarse pointing while
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Earth Orbiting Clusters Edmund M C Kong SSL Graduate Research Assistant Prof david w. miller Director, MIT Space Systems Lab Space 2001 Conference& Exposition Albuquerque August28-30,2001
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7.1高斯投影概述 7.2正形投影的一般条件 7.3高斯平面直角坐标系与大地坐标系 7.4椭球面上观测成果归化到高斯平面上计算 7.5工程测量投影面与投影带选择
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