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《会计》是注册会计师资格考试五门课程之一,其历年考试的合格率都较低,2002年为 0.89%2003年为917%,2004年为1032%。如何顺利通过《会计》考试,是广大考生尤为关注 的问题。首先,考生应熟悉《会计》课程的命题规律:其次,要全面深入掌握教材的基本内容和 重点内容。因此,分析近几年考试命题规律,预测可能变化趋势,对考生应考会有一定益处。 、《会计》教材基本结构 2005年注册会计师考试《会计》教材内容共24章,可分为四大部分,总括如下: 第一部分:总论 在这部分,考生应掌握和理解会计核算的基本前提、会计核算的一般原则和会计要素的内涵
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昨天中国台北也结束入世谈判,WTO总部就中国入世发布新闻公报 本报特派记者郭婷婷自日内瓦报道昨天下午日内瓦时间4点半,中国台北加入WTO的法律文件顺 利审核通过,至此,中国台北也结束了入世谈判,与中国大陆一样,所有法律文件同样进入了部长会议 审核批准阶段。 昨天早上,中国台北的入世谈判仍然在最后进行中,台湾与东南亚国家就水果等农副产品进口的卫 生检疫进行最后磋商,最终在台湾表示承诺后达成协议。 昨天下午,记者在WT总部看到,除了来自台湾的记者外,来自日本的记者始终坚守会议室大门
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I guess I have to come out to reply to those who concern with the nature rate of unemployment First, What is the natural rate of unemployment? It is assumed to be the unemployment rate at the steady state or equilibrium. Note that equilibrium here is not referred to the common
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I want to thank Edward Nell, David Colander, John Eatwell and Thomas Palley for their comments and suggestions on the early draft of paper Dept of Economics, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, 65 Fifth Ave
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Course Description Macroeconomics is the most disputed, confused yet excited field in economics. This course introduces you how economists think about those macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment and recession, and how macroeco could be used to resolve these problems. We will find that economists may give you many different answers. Yet behind their different answers is the difference in the framework of macroeconomic analysis. The course will thus introduce you two major
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Chapter 7: The Analysis of Price Determination Gang Gong Copyright Notes: This electronic file is only used as a lecture notes for the student in this class. It is not allowed to be used for presentation anywhere else without the permission from the author
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to put the previously discussed two models --the models of product market and money market --together and discuss how output and interest rate is determined The model presented in this chapter is often called the IS-LM model (IS: the product market model; LM the money market model)
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Introduction The aim of this chapter is to study how output is determined in Keynesian framework. The analysis in this chapter is often named multiplier analysis
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What is economics? Normative Definition Economics is the science that studies how to efficiently allocate economic resources Positive definition economics is the science that studies how an economy operates or how economic variables are
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Question 1 Suppose in an open economy the consumption function take the form C=100+0.8 Tax is the proportion of income with the tax rate to be given by 0. 2. Meanwhile import depends on the domestic income with the function given by
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