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一、光源 1、光源的发光机理 光源的最基本发光单元是分子、原子能级跃迁辐射
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1820年奥斯特电产生磁 1831年法拉第磁产生电 变化的磁场激发电场
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《普通物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四篇 电磁学 第九章 稳恒磁场与电磁场的相对性
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一、横波的偏振性 振动面:通过波的传播方向且包含振动矢量的平面 偏振:波的振动方向相对传播方向的不对称性
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commercial use. b)A full educational license for non-commercial use is available from The AMICO Cartography Associates www.davidrumsey.com/amico/institution_subscribe.htmlc)licenseDusersmay continue their examination of additional
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(I)Halliday d, Resnick r, Krane K Physics 5th ed. John Wiley Sons, 2002 (2)Ford K w. Classical and Modern Physics. Xerox College publishing, 1972 (3)Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental
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physicsweb Physics news, jobs and resources Fermionic first for condensates Physics in Action: March 2004 The creation of the first fermionic condensate will herald a new generation of research into the properties of superfluids and superconductors
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Ames Lab's DOE Pulse Akka Science and Technology Highlights from the doE National Laboratories Number 141 September 15, 2003 Research Developing inspection methods Tevatron exceeds luminosity for ceramics Highlights
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标题:全国高校长江学者人数统计 发信站:碧海青天( Tue mar41925:522003),转信
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Highlights of the Year 20 December 2002 2002 has been an exciting year for physicists. From the production of large numbers of anti-atoms at cern to the first measurement of the polarization of the cosmic background radiation, there
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