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 Introduction  Secure state  Security analysis-linear sensitivity analysis method
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 Introduction  Optimal power flow model  Solution of optimal power flow by linear programming
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 Introduction  Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)  Control based on WAMS  state of arts and development trend
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◼ 2.1数据通信的理论基础 ◼ 2.2传输介质 ◼ 2.3数字调制与多路复用 ◼ 2.3电话系统 ◼ 2.4交换技术
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 Introduction  Solution of Unit Commitment  Solution of Unit Commitment with Dynamic Programming
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 Development of Power Grid: state of art  Induction to Power System Operation  Operation status and constraints of power network  Power system dispatch  Power system model
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电子科技大学:《电力系统运行与控制 Power System Operation and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Lecture 01 Introduction of the course(黄琦)
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:6.33MB 文档页数:97
◼ 2.1数据通信的理论基础 ◼ 2.2传输介质 ◼ 2.3数字调制与多路复用 ◼ 2.3电话系统 ◼ 2.4交换技术
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文档格式:PDF 文档大小:246.77KB 文档页数:9
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