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PBL病例一新生儿黄疸 足月新生儿,男,3天,因皮肤出现黄疸1 天就诊,胎龄39周,出生体重3500克。 主要信息?
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一、新生儿总论 二、呼吸系统疾病 三、黄疸、溶血病 四、神经系统疾病、感染
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一、 Definition Growth: volume increasing of body& organs Development: tissues& organs functional maturation, that is the concept of ongoing change and maturation Child development encompasses all aspects of pediatrics. It applies to somatic, psychological, and cognitive growth and to behavior
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1.左右分流(右心室顺应性大)、肺循环量↑体循环↓ 2.心脏负荷↑RA、RV、LA大 3.肺动脉高压,较少发生较晚
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Adolescence Adolescence, puberty between childhood and adulthood feature stressful developmental major changes physical maturity sexuality
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一、传统的授课方式 疾病 症状体征 辅助检查+实验室检查
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Part I: General Consideration Anatomical and physiology features of the child CNS Neurological examination of children Key facts about neurological disorders in children: Infections of the CNS Neurocutaneous syndromes
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房间隔缺损 (atrial septal defect, ASD) 一、占先心病20~30%,女性多见 二、成人期最常见的先心病
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一、新生儿肺透明膜病 二、新生儿肺炎 三、新生儿湿肺 四、呼吸暂停
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一、掌握小儿贫血的常见病因 二、掌握儿童缺铁性贫血的诊断、治疗及预防方法 三、熟悉儿童缺铁性贫血的鉴别诊断
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