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食品为微生物提供了一个理想的营养源 而且食品的 pH值一般都在微生物生长所需 pH 范围内 食品在收获 生产 流通和加工过程中受到来自土壤 空气和水生微生物的污染 肉禽肠道内存在大量微生物 在屠宰过程中很容易污染胴体表面 一些看似健康的动物 其 肝 肾 淋 巴结和脾中都可能隐藏着许多微生物 这些微生物和那些屠宰过程中污染的微生 物能通过循环系统转移到骨骼肌中 在食品流通渠道中 胴体和分割块需要进一步加工成便 于零售的分割块食品
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民以食为天,食以洁为本。食用受到污染的食品 便会损害人体健康。食品从种植、养殖、收获 屠宰、加工、储存、运输、销售到食用前整个过程的各个环节,有毒有害物质都有可能进入食物。简单地说食品污染是指有害物质进入正常食品的过程。 按有害物质的性质可将有害物质分为三类:生物 性污染,化学性污染,放射性污染
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第三节食品中油脂在加工贮藏中的变化 一、油脂的水解一酯解 二、异构化 三、油脂在高温下的化学变化 四、油脂的辐照裂解 五、油脂酸败与油脂的氧化
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食品品质学是食品质量与安全专业重要的专业基础课本课程主要研究食品本身固有的 食用品质及其在食品(包括原料)生产、加工、流通、贮藏、消费过程中的变化规律,围绕 食品的营养品质、安全品质、感官品质及化学和物理学的特点,阐述食品品质的构成、变化 规律、研究方法及评价和控制技术。通过本课程的学习,使学生能全面掌握食品品质学的基 本理论和方法,为后续课程的学习打下扎实的基础
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1什么是食品化学 食品:经特定方式加工后供人类食用的食物。 食物:可供人类食用的物质原料统称为食物。 化学:研究物质组成、性质及其功能和变化的科学,包括分析化学、有机化学、物理与胶 体化学、分离化学、普通化学和生物化学等。 食品化学:指研究食物的组成、性质以及功能和食物在贮藏、加工和包装过程中可能发生 的化学和物理变化的科学
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第一节 乳制品加工工艺 第二节 大豆制品加工工艺 第一节 腌腊肉制品 第二节 干肉制品及油炸肉制品 第三节 酱卤肉制品 第四节 熏烤肉制品 第五节 香肠肉制品
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Extrusion cooking is a relatively recent form of food processing. Forcing material through a hole is the process of extrusion. Sausage extruders were devel￾oped in the nineteenth century as simple forming machines. Eventually pasta was produced in extruders. Flour and water were added at one end of the machine
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Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) may be defined as ‘the enclosure of food products in gas-barrier materials, in which the gaseous environment has been changed’ (Young et al, 1988). Because of its substantial shelf-life extending effect, MAP has been one of the most significant and innovative growth areas in retail food packaging over the past two decades. The potential advantages and disadvantages of MAP have been presented by both Farber (1991) and Parry (1993), and summarised by Davies (1995) in Table 16.1
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Generally, the effects of microwave energy can be classified as either ‘macro￾scopic’ or ‘microscopic’. When the energy is used for heating food the effect is macroscopic and results in a specific heating pattern. However, the causes of certain features are due to microscopic effects, i.e. to physics at the atomic level
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The continuous-flow heat process is a thermal heat-hold-cool process where the foodstuff to be treated is pumped in continuous flow through heat exchanger systems where it is heated to a desired temperature, held at that temperature for a pre-determined time, then cooled to around ambient temperature. After heat treatment, the product is then packaged in an appropriate manner. This process
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