Although DNA replication, repair, homologous recombination occur with high fidelity to ensure the genome identity between generations, there are genetic processes that rearrange DNA sequences and thus lead to a more dynamic genome structure Two classes of genetic recombination for DNA rearrangement: • Conservative site-specific recombination (CSSR): recombination between two defined sequence elements • Transpositional recombination (Transposition): recombination between specific sequences and nonspecific DNA sites
生命科学的核心问题: 生命是什么? 终极问题,最后Boss 一个 DNA (Gene)---- Gain/lost of function 多个或一组 DNA (Genes/ genome)----系统,网络 合成生物? 干细胞组织工程?克隆动物(人)? 肿瘤,转基因动物(绿色荧光小鼠),遗传病 DNA is very important ! • DNA的碱基排列(ATGC)顺序(sequence) 储存着遗传信息,进而决定物种性状; • 人的核内DNA有3X10^9个碱基对,以23对染 色体形式存在。 Decoding the genome: classical methods and ideas Mapping open chromatin in cd28/ctl4/icos locus region during T cells activation