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Bacterial chemical components Water: free water and compound water. Inorganic salt: phosphus, potassium magnesium,calcium, nitrium,etc. Protein: 50%-80% of dry weight accordingbacterial kinds and age. Sugar: mainly distributing in cell wall andcapsule. Lipids: composed of lipid, fatty acid, wax, etc. Nucleic acid: RNA and DNA
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Drinking water treatment  Conventional treatment process  Advanced treatment process Wastewater treatment  Wastewater situation in China  Wastewater treatment process  Case Study of wastewater treatment plant  Algae separation  Reuse of wastewater
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4.1 Footing depth and spacing 4.2 Displaced soil effects 4.3 Net versus gross pressure: design soil pressures 4.4 Erosion problems for structures adjacent to flowing water 4.5 Corrosion protection 4.6 Water table fluctuation 4.7 Foundations in sand and silt deposits 4.8 Foundations on loess and other collapsible soil 4.9 Foundations on unsaturated soils subjected to volume change with change in water content
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1.World water resources 世界水资源状况 2.China Water Issue 我国水资源状况与困境 3.Solutions? 解决水资源挑战的出路
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6.6 Coalescing bed-type oily water separators The coalesce is capable of forming oil globules up to l2 mm diameter and the heavier fuel oils usually form long 'stalagmites' which grow to a considerable size before they are released. Because of the 1ow velocities employed the collected oil can flow past the water screen without becoming re-entrained and carried through into the outlet
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General Operating Procedure Before pumping oily water into the separator it is important that the separator is completely filled with clean water, either direct from the sea or through the filling valve provided for this purpose. It is essential to keep the lower internal surfaces and outer chamber from becoming coated with oil
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A fire and bilge pump has suctions from sea, bilge main and engine room bilge, with discharges to fire main, oily water separator and overboard. A ballast pump has suctions from sea, ballast main, engine room , bilge direct and bilge main with discharges to overboard, the ballast main, the oily water separator and possibly, the main salt water circulating system
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Objectives of Water Treatment The objectives for water treatment derive from two concerns Human health and welfare The health of aquatic ecosystems
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掌握水体、饮用水、安全饮用水的概念;了 解水的卫生学意义,掌握饮用水的基本卫生要求; 了解饮用水的调查与评价;掌握安全饮用水的保 证措施;掌握废水与生活污水处理的主要原则和 基本方法。 第一部分 关于水的基本概念 Section1 Coception about water 第二部分 水质调查与评价 Section2 Water quality investigation and evaluation 第三部分 保证饮水安全的措施 Section3 Measures for keeping the drinking water safe
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What is the pH of natural rain water? pH of natural rain water is determined by acidic and basic species that are
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