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 Long run – prices flexible – output determined by factors of production & technology – unemployment equals its natural rate  Short run – prices fixed – output determined by aggregate demand – unemployment is negatively related to output
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《实用非参数统计》课程教学资源(阅读材料)Chi square test with both margins fixed
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❖Why need memory management ❖Memory partitioning ❖Paging ❖Segmentation 3.1 Memory Management Requirements ♣ Relocation(重定位) ♣ Memory Protection(保护) ♣ Memory Sharing(共享) ♣ Logical Organization(逻辑组织) ♣ Physical Organization(物理组织) 3.2 Memory Partitioning • Fixed Partitioning • Dynamic Partitioning • Buddy System(伙伴系统) 3.3 Simple Paging Technique ❖ A process can be loaded into several not continuous frames(页帧). ❖ The efficiency of main memory is higher 3.4 Simple Segmentation Technique • A program and its associated data are divided into a number of segments. The segments may be not the same length. Main memory is divided into many partitions 3.5 Virtual Memory 虚拟存储
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对外经济贸易大学:金融工程系《固定收益证券分析 Fixed Income Securities Analysis》课程教学资源(教学大纲)
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刚体运动学 1、刚体的定轴转动 2、力矩,转动定律,转动惯量 3、力矩转动定律,动能定理
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 Introduction about random walks  Concepts  Applications  Our works  Fixed-trap problem  Multi-trap problem  Hamiltonian walks  Self-avoid walks
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本章学习要点: § 公共组织资产的内容 § 各项资产在管理方面的要求 § 计提折旧方法 本章关键词: § 资产:asset § 流动资产:liquid assets § 固定资产:fixed assets § 无形资产:intangible assets § 存货:inventory § 折旧:depreciation 本章内容: § 第一节 公共组织资产概述 § 第二节 流动资产的管理 § 第三节 固定资产和在建工程管理 § 第四节 无形资产的管理 § 第五节 对外投资的管理 § 第六节 公共组织国有资产管理的基础工作
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⚫ To use the String class to process fixed strings (§7.2). ⚫ To use the Character class to process a single character (§7.3). ⚫ To use the StringBuffer class to process flexible strings (§7.4). ⚫ To use the StringTokenizer class to extract tokens from a string (§7.5). ⚫ To know the differences among the String, StringBuffer, and StringTokenizer classes (§7.2-7.5). ⚫ To use the JDK 1.5 Scanner class for console input and scan tokens using words as delimiters (§7.6). ⚫ To input primitive values and strings from the keyboard using the Scanner class (§7.7). ⚫ To learn how to pass strings to the main method from the command line (§7.8)
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《宏观经济学 Macroeconomics》课外读物:Implicit Contracts and Fixed Price Equilibria
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