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甲、乙共同出资设立了一个有限合伙企业 A,甲出资 10 万元,是有限合伙人。乙出资 5 万元,为普通合伙人。某人丙欲与 A 合伙企业建立业务联系,多次到 A 企业进行洽谈,每 次都是甲负责接待并商谈业务细节,乙有时也在场,但是并没有告知丙甲的有限合伙人身份。 甲以有限合伙企业 A 的名义与丙签了三次合同,前两次该企业均予以付款。丙按照合同约 定第三次发货后,A 拒付贷款,丙遂要求甲承担清偿责任。请问:甲应否对该合伙企业对丙 的债务承担责任?
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6.1线性空间的定义与性质 定义1设V是一个非空集合,R为实数域,如果对任 意两个元素a,∈,总有唯一的一个元素γ∈V与 之对应,称为a,B的和,记作y=a+B;对于任一 个数k∈R与任一个元素a∈V,总有唯一的一个元 素δ∈V与之对应,称为k与a的积,记为δ=ka; 两种运算满足以下八条运算规律
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A 群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗 拼音名: A Qun Naomoyanqiujun Duotang Yimiao 英文名:Group A MeningococcaI Polysaccharide Vaccine 书页号:2005 年版三部-34 本品系用 A 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌培养液,经提取获得的荚膜多糖抗原,纯化后加入适宜稳定剂后冻干制成。用于预防 A 群脑膜炎球菌引起的流行性脑脊髓膜炎
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6-2相量法的基本知识 一、复数 (1)代数形式A=a+jba—实部b—虚部 a=R[A]=R[a+jb]R取实部 b=m=mla+jm取虚部 一个复数可以表示在复平面上
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1、解: (1) P{只订购 A 的}=P{A(B∪C)}=P(A)-{P(AB)+P(AC)-P(ABC)}=0.45-0.1.-0.08+0.03=0.30. (2) P{只订购 A 及 B 的}=P{AB}-C}=P(AB)-P(ABC)=0.10-0.03=0.07 (3) P{只订购 A 的}=0.30
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给定n个矩阵:A1,A2,An,其中A;与A1是可乘的。确定一种连乘的顺序,使得矩阵连乘的计算量为最小。 设A和B分别是pxq和qxr的两个矩阵,则乘积 C=AB为pxr的矩阵,计算量为pqr次数乘
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We are going to consider the forces exerted on a material. These can be external or internal. External forces come in two flavors: body forces(given per unit mass or volume) and surface forces(given per unit area). If we cut a body of material in equilibrium under a set of external forces along a plane as shown in fig. 1. and consider one side of it we draw two conclusions: 1 the equilibrium provided by the loads from the side taken out is provided by a set of forces that are distributed among the material particles adjacent to
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一、单选题 1.a2.a3.b4.d5.c6.a.d.a.c10.d11.b12.b13c 二、多选题 1ABCE 2.BCD 3.AC 4.BD 5.A B C D E 6.ANCDE 7.BC 8ABCD 9.AB 10.ABCDE
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The location of the dehydration factory must be considered very carefully, because, whereas at one time proximity to the source of raw materials was of paramount importance, availability of an adequate labour force and the provision for effluent disposal will, perhaps, constitute a more pressing requirement. A rural environment is obviously better than a location in a highly industrialised area, because the operation involves the utilisation of a considerable amount
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A mass spectrometer produces a spectrum of masses based on the structure of a molecule. It is a spectrum or plot of the distribution of ion masses corresponding to the formula weight of a molecule, fragments derived from the molecule, or both
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