A 群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗 拼音名: A Qun Naomoyanqiujun Duotang Yimiao 英文名:Group A MeningococcaI Polysaccharide Vaccine 书页号:2005 年版三部-34 本品系用 A 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌培养液,经提取获得的荚膜多糖抗原,纯化后加入适宜稳定剂后冻干制成。用于预防 A 群脑膜炎球菌引起的流行性脑脊髓膜炎
1、解: (1) P{只订购 A 的}=P{A(B∪C)}=P(A)-{P(AB)+P(AC)-P(ABC)}=0.45-0.1.-0.08+0.03=0.30. (2) P{只订购 A 及 B 的}=P{AB}-C}=P(AB)-P(ABC)=0.10-0.03=0.07 (3) P{只订购 A 的}=0.30
We are going to consider the forces exerted on a material. These can be external or internal. External forces come in two flavors: body forces(given per unit mass or volume) and surface forces(given per unit area). If we cut a body of material in equilibrium under a set of external forces along a plane as shown in fig. 1. and consider one side of it we draw two conclusions: 1 the equilibrium provided by the loads from the side taken out is provided by a set of forces that are distributed among the material particles adjacent to