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1 Physics as Natural Philosophy Physics is one of the liberal arts, combining elements of reason, philosophy, mathematics, language, and rhetoric. The term natural philosophy reflects the creative and dynamic interplay that exists in physics among experiment, theory, logic, insight, inspiration, symmetry, beauty, and language
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:315.5KB 文档页数:6
质点和质点系动力学习题课 例:m1,m2,1,相互作用 符合万有引力定律
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:764KB 文档页数:43
Background information 1 Structure 2 Language points 3 After-class- activities
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Background Information 1 Study and Learning Techniques 2 Share with Classmates your Learning Techniques 3 Common Learning Techniques of Top Students
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一、选择题:1[(3)(4)] 2[D] 3[C] 4[B] 二、填空题: 1、13·6eV;n=5
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1 Background Information 2 Text Analysis 3 Lanquage Points
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Text The Washwoman Background Information 1 Introduction 2 Language Points 3 Exercises
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Background Information Organization of the Text Introtuctory Exercise Text & New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
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1 Background knowledge 2 Presentation
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